Share access to our analytics
Until we offer better data analysis views that are specific for Giveth, there seems to be a need by DACs to access some analytics data.
Poll Created Tue 19 Feb 2019 4:29PM
Allow google analytics access to be shared to Datafund Society Closed Thu 21 Feb 2019 4:02PM
Access was granted
One of our first onboarded DACs (Datafund society) has requested access to some form of data analytics. The only thing we can offer is to share our google analytics for them.
I will handle the sharing.
Personal Note:
Seems safe enough to try, but for the sake of transparency, I let the decision run through Loomio.
Technical Note:
Google Analytics is used by the DApp to measure (among other values)
- site hits (how many people access the DApp, what country they are from, what system/browser they are using)
- user attention and traversal (how long were people active on a site and how did they navigate through their session on the website)
Because it is a google service, there is a possibility to give view access rights, so sharing that aligns with our core value of transparency and does not pose any operational hazards to us.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 8 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 36 |
8 of 44 people have participated (18%)
Tue 19 Feb 2019 5:13PM
Thanks Kay! It sounds like we can also explore through this thread what it would take to join 'The Graph' initiative as you proposed on Riot in the Dapp Development room.
Josh Fairhead
Tue 19 Feb 2019 5:39PM
Hahaha, yeah I think its fair to open the data! (#SoLongAsItsSafe :P)
Bowen Sanders
Tue 19 Feb 2019 6:36PM
I am ok with this
Wed 20 Feb 2019 12:16AM
only reason i'm abstaining is cuz i don't really know what this means. what are the google analytics doing for us?/what info does it hold?
Wed 20 Feb 2019 2:13PM
I think this is actually a great opportunity, since we don't use the potential of insight that is offered by GA. We might learn something.
Thu 21 Feb 2019 1:34AM
i'm informed now :) thanks dani!
Griff Green
Thu 21 Feb 2019 5:12AM
sounds good
Dani Wed 20 Feb 2019 8:58PM
hahahaha. Google just recommended this article to me:
Dani · Wed 20 Feb 2019 8:52PM
@loie : Google Analytics is website traffic information. It shows you what users are doing when they come to your site, where they came from (ie. Twitter post, Medium article, search result etc), how long they spend on what pages, demographics like what countries they are accessing the internet from and much more if you dive in deep enough.
The important thing for our DAC Delegates and Campaign Managers is that it lets them know what marketing tools and promotions are working, or not.. is everyone that comes to the DataFund Campaign coming from their blog posts and their own community? Or are the Medium articles we run, associated tweets, or shares by individuals on LinkedIn, for example, reaching people who actually stay on the site and donate.