
Impact of financial cooperatives on competition and pricing

HG Hans Groeneveld Public Seen by 18

Hi everybody,

Does anybody know recent empirical literature or research on the influence (presence value) of financial cooperatives on prices for financial products and services in the market? Do they improve price conditions for customers in the markets?

Many thanks for any suggestions!


Rory Ridley-Duff (SHU) Fri 17 Apr 2015 8:11AM


I don't know directly, but I can point you in a direction that should help. Paul Jones (Liverpool John Moores, UK) is Reader in Social Economy - his specialist field is credit unions so I suspect he'll be able to direct you to a literature on this. He was editor of the Journal of Co-operative Studies for many years so will have a good grasp of the literature in the field. His e-mail is p.a.jones@ljmu.ac.uk

The other group that I suspect will be able to help is the Credit Unions research group at Cork University - there was a group of about eight people there with a I visited a few years ago. You could try ted.osullivan@ucc.ie or b.carroll@ucc.ie (Bridget).


Hans Groeneveld Tue 19 May 2015 2:32PM

Dear Rory,

I still want to thank you for your reply to my question a few weeks ago. It is surely helpful!

Hans Groeneveld | Professor Cooperative Financial Services

+31302131400 | j.m.groeneveld@tias.edu ( j.m.groeneveld@tias.edu ) | www.tias.edu ( http://www.tias.edu/ )

Campus Tilburg | TIAS

Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands

Van: Rory Ridley-Duff (SHU) (Loomio) [notifications@loomio.org]

Verzonden: vrijdag 17 april 2015 10:11

Aan: J.M. Groeneveld

Onderwerp: [Co-operative Business Education Consortium] Impact of financial cooperatives on competition and pricing


I don’t know directly, but I can point you in a direction that should help. Paul Jones (Liverpool John Moores, UK) is Reader in Social Economy - his specialist field is credit unions so I suspect he’ll be able to direct you to a literature on this. He was
editor of the Journal of Co-operative Studies for many years so will have a good grasp of the literature in the field. His e-mail is
p.a.jones@ljmu.ac..uk ( p.a.jones@ljmu.ac.uk )

The other group that I suspect will be able to help is the Credit Unions research group at Cork University - there was a group of about eight people there with a I visited a few years ago. You could try
ted.osullivan@ucc..ie ( ted.osullivan@ucc.ie ) or
b.carroll@ucc.ie ( b.carroll@ucc.ie ) (Bridget).

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