Fri 24 Jan 2020 6:15PM

Leaving COS

TN Tom Narock Public Seen by 93

As you may know, the Center for Open Science (COS) recently launched a new funding model to support their preprint initiatives. While we understand it costs money to keep preprints operational, the Advisory Council felt the new model was unsustainable and counter to the ethos of EarthArXiv. The Advisory Council has voted to discontinue using COS as the hosting platform for EarthArXiv. Many other communities have chosen to do the same. We are currently exploring alternative hosting options.

This thread is to allow everyone to view the letter we sent to COS, whichis available at https://eartharxiv.github.io/cos.html and to discuss this transition of EarthArXiv.


Christopher Jackson Wed 29 Jan 2020 5:55PM

Agree. I think we’ll be in a better place to respond when we’ve secured a way forward.

Professor Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson
Equinor Professor of Basin Analysis
Basins Research Group (BRG)
Department of Earth Science & Engineering
Imperial College
Prince Consort Road

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.imperial.ac.uk/c.jackson

Twitter: @seis_matters

Co-founder of EarthArXiv, a preprint server for the Earth Sciences


Daniel Ibarra Thu 30 Jan 2020 5:05AM

Agree, I think we shouldn't reply until we hear from COS


Allison Enright Thu 30 Jan 2020 3:27PM

In agreement with @Bruce Caron , @Christopher Jackson and @Daniel Ibarra. I don't see how commenting on this Nature Piece helps EarthArXiv, and it could easily be viewed as a public attack on COS. Until we're sure of our next steps, not responding is a better strategy.


Domenico Chiarella Fri 31 Jan 2020 5:44PM

Hi, I would like to raise an additional point to be considered for the new EarthArXiv host. It would be good to ask to the potential alternative options what is their policy in terms of privacy. Every time we access and deal with a website, social media etc. we release a piece of information and we dont know how they will use (sell?) it in the future. It could be the case, that in the next future, Governamental organisations will use big data to select and fund specific research topics instead of others. Sorry, if you see this point out of the topic, I have just been involved in this discussion and my view might be wrongly influenced :). Thanks.
