Admin and technical questions about Loomio and the Group
Don't put anything here which you think is of general interest to the Group - that can go into the main thread.
This is for niggling queries and answers about how this Loomio group works, voting procedures, and general administrative points about the Loomio group.
Grahame Hunter Mon 27 Feb 2017 10:56AM
Anyone who is not a member of the group can read the posts and see the links, without logging in and without joining Loomio using this link
Tamsyn Forsyth Tue 28 Feb 2017 8:56AM
@grahamehunter are you able to add Matthew Forsyth to the group? He and I are a combined vote and currently only I am in the group; he would love to get the notifications etc. His email address is: [email protected]. Thank you!
Grahame Hunter Tue 28 Feb 2017 10:41AM
@tamsynforsyth I don't think that is correct to add him in addition to you. One contribution = one vote and one member. He can of course see everything on the open link.
Of course I am just the facilitator, so if the OurField group tell me otherwise..but why bend the rules so early?
Tamsyn Forsyth Tue 28 Feb 2017 10:49AM
@grahamehunter no problem at all! Thank you so much for the link. Don't bend any rules for us, the link is perfect.
Grahame Hunter Sat 4 Mar 2017 6:09PM
@danielkindred hI, Daniel
WELCOME TO THE GROUP - but can you please confirm to me perhaps by email ([email protected]) your _ paid / unpaid status _ _before the vote deadline _, because it would be against the house rules for an unpaid member to vote..
Grahame Hunter Sun 5 Mar 2017 1:06PM
Hallo Tony
Will you send me your phone number to my private email? see below. The figures after the letter h are a numeric zero and then numeric one
[email protected]
There are a few wrinkles about the voting we may want to chat about. The deadline is extended until midnight tonight. I want to ensure that this process is fun and easy for everyone
Grahame Hunter Wed 8 Mar 2017 12:46AM
@carolingoethel1 @phoebetickell @sophieperry @alexandercherry
sorry, guys - this from the organisers..
_ 2) Could you remove all non-coinvestors (me, phoebe, sophie perry and alex cherry) from the OurField Weston group? We will still be able to follow discussions with the public link but won't be able to vote and so the voting result (% of vote participation) will look less skewed. _
so __ you are being terminated. But keep checking in on the public link, quoted below again __
Grahame Hunter Fri 10 Mar 2017 5:42PM
voting delay
_ copied from main thread _
As facilitator I am persuaded by Darren's @darren4 argument that it could be interesting to gauge the possible market for the end product; and that if others in the group have time and energy to put to this research, they should have longer than the days until Sunday.
The choice of crop is probably the single most important decision the group makes, and since there is now a rising interest in the matter, _ we should hold off the vote to allow more voices to be heard, and with more evidence. _
There will be a deadline by which John needs to research the availability of seed, and he needs sufficient lead time to place the order in good time for Spring planting - but for now let us assume the deadline __ will be held back at least 7 days.__
If anyone wishes to comment on this aspect of the vote - please do so on the admin thread, not here and for that reason I will copy this message there.
Niki Reynolds Fri 10 Mar 2017 5:50PM
I would like a voting delay as Darren has made much efforts to research the market which is a very good idea, hence we need more time..
Grahame Hunter · Wed 22 Feb 2017 6:50PM
@tamsynforsyth @jamestickell @sophieperry @darren4 @harrygreenfield1
It will be useful - certainly for me - if you would post a picture of yourself in your Loomio profile, instead of letting it to default to your initials.
To do this,
* first identify a picture of yourself somewhere on your computer.
* then find the 3 parallel bars in the top left of the Loomio window in your browser,
* click there on the 3 bars, and towards the bottom select the option edit profile.
* from the window that opened, you can upload a new photo into your Loomio profile - for example the one that you identified already in step one..