Terms of use for events - draft
This a very rough draft of the new TOU, that outlines the tone and the information it should contain. The proposal is to approve this draft and delegate it to the proper working group for fine tuning
TOU for Events: New version
If you want to celebrate milksharing and promote human milk as the biologically normal nourishment for babies and children, host an event! Evebnt organisers must agree to the following criteria:
• Organisers must honor the goals and spirit of WMW as described on our website.
• All aspects of the event must fully comply with the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes.
• You or your organisation must not sell breastmilk for profit.
• Organisers should not profit directly from their involvement.
• By submiting an event, image, slogan, photograph, link, video, or text you release the contribution you send to us for use in publicising the event, on our web site, and elsewhere.
Please read our Events FAQ
Thank you for being integral to the success of milksharing!
Events FAQ
Q: Who may host an event?
A: Individuals, business, organisations, and companies may all host events as long as they are who code compliant.
Q: what kind of event can I host?
A: There is no such thing as a small event or a large event, all events are important to World Milksharing week, regardless of their size. Events can be online or offline, a playdate in the park, a discussion in a blog or a conference witha guest speaker. All kinds of events are welcome and appreciated!
Q: I would like to organise and event but dont know how
A: There are a lot of things that you can do to celebrate milksharing! We have put together a list of Action Ideas to help you organise and a step by step how-to to carry them out (coming soon).
Q. How do I promote my event?
Please click here for promotional materials and ideas to promote your event. Please remember that all material released to promote your event must be WHO Code compliant and shall not advertise, promote, or showcase breast-milk substitutes as defined by the Code.
Q: How do I invite the media to my event?
You can download our new release from here, and get in touch with our Media working group to get the help you need to invite the media to your event.
Q: What's the WHO code?
A: The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes is an international health policy framework for breastfeeding promotion adopted by the World Health Assembly (WHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1981.The Code was developed as a global public health strategy and recommends restrictions on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes, such as infant formula, to ensure that mothers are not discouraged from breastfeeding and that substitutes are used safely if needed. The Code also covers ethical considerations and regulations for the marketing of feeding bottles and teats. (citation needed)
Q: Does that mean I can't hold an event at a store that sells bottles or formula? (Just a clarification example based on the other thread)
A: No, not at all. They simply may not take place in spaces that advertise and/or promote breast-milk substitutes, including but not limited to: image displays and/or promotional material advertising breast-milk substitutes and sales, free samples or discounts, or coupons for breast-milk substitutes as defined by the Code.
Q: Can we give goody bags, or raffle, or auction?
A: Sure thing! In the case that the organisers seek sponsors for their events or engage in rifes, silent auctions, goody bags or any kind of giveaway, the products and information involved should be in compliance of the Code, which means that no breastmilk substitutes must be involved, and that all products involved must be manufactured by companies that comply with the code. For a list of who code compliant companies, click here."
Q: Can we get sponsors
A: Absolutely! only condition is that your sponsors are WHO Code compliant. For a list of who code compliant companies, click here.
Q: Can we hire speakers, rent a space or other activities from which third parties will profit?
A: Of course! You can do whatever you feel is required to host your event, as long as your event honors the goals of WMW, is WHO complaiant, the organisers don't profit from it and you do not promote the sale of breastmilk.
Poll Created Sat 23 Mar 2013 5:07PM
TOU for Pictures - draft Closed Wed 27 Mar 2013 3:51PM
This a very rough draft of the new TOU, that outlines the tone and the information it should contain. The proposal is to approve this draft and delegate it to the proper working group for fine tuning
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 8 |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 2 |
8 of 10 people have participated (80%)