Replicate Loomio blogs on the fediverse

An ActivityPub enabled blog publishing tool like Plume could be used to allow Loomio blog posts to be followed by users of fediverse apps like Mastodon, Pleroma, and Friendica.

Danyl Strype Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:19PM
My apologies. I would have preferred not to notify anyone, but I seemed to be unable to start the thread without doing so. FYI trying to process all the notifications seemed to create some serious problems for the Loomio software (see attached screenshot). Perhaps This is because of the huge number of people in this group? Which I'm guessing this is why the group is meant to be set are to not to allow notifications.

Robert Guthrie Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:21PM
You can start a thread without notifying everyone. You just close the window.

Danyl Strype Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:21PM
That's not at all clear from the UI. If sending notifications is optional, it would be good to have two buttons on the thread creation box, one for 'submit', and one for 'notify users' or somesuch.
Deleted account Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:25PM
I mean yes I would like to be in

Robert Guthrie Fri 15 Nov 2019 8:06PM
I've now fixed the bug that allowed you to notify people in this group.

Danyl Strype Tue 19 Nov 2019 3:27AM
Cool. I've commented on the other bug that seems to be affecting that notification system in the Loomio 2.0 bug reporting thread.

Danyl Strype Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:15PM
I note that Loomio blog posts are replicated at That's understandable, it's a popular platform and a good place to get your articles in front of a readership who might not find find them at, or remember to check in there for new ones. Another place to find readers who are especially likely to be interested in the sorts of subjects folks write about on the Loomio blog, is the fediverse. It would be great to be able to follow the Loomio blog from my Mastodon or Friendica account, boost posts to bring them to the attention of other users who follow my feed etc. There are a number of federated blogging tools, any one of which could be deployed to accomplish this, either by co-publishing the blog pieces on a hosted instance, as you do with Medium, or perhaps feeding directly into the fediverse, as the Pterotype plugin does for Wordpress instances.
Deleted account Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:21PM
I am in

Danyl Strype Sun 17 Nov 2019 6:58AM
Hi @Dan could you clarify what you mean by "I would like to be in"? Are you saying you would like to follow the Loomio blog from the fediverse? Are you volunteering to set something up to make that possible? Something else?
Robert Guthrie · Fri 15 Nov 2019 6:13PM
Sorry to everyone who was notified about this. It seems that there is a bug that allowed Strypey to notify everyone, although the setting is that people may not do this.