Mon 25 Nov 2013 9:58PM

Fork the brand of Metamaps.cc from the core technology

IS Ishan Shapiro Public Seen by 14

As we get more clarity about the difference between the core engine and the specific instance that lives at Metamaps.cc, we're considered calling them different things. Currently its difficult to differentiate them from one another. This discussion is about deciding to make a clear differentiation between Metamaps.cc and the engine which powers Metamaps.cc.


Connor Turland Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:59PM

Ben I like that last thought a lot. I quite like Librium as well, and perhaps with veqtor as this particular piece of this emerging puzzle, it may soon also become clear where the energy of librium fits in. Although I recognize it's importance, i'm actually not particularly picky on these things.