
Let's take this to the world!

IJB IP Jo Booth Public Seen by 30

It's been the buzz on the twitter all day, and it's awesome to hear you all want to take Internet Party to the world. We couldn't be happier to give you every wisdom we've gleaned in our short journey!

This is the start of a decentralised international movement - let's take these ideas, born from the Internet and spread them through the world. Like the Internet, this is not something to be controlled and lead, but to be crowdsourced and exponential in its growth. :purple_heart:

We'll start with this landing spot, but if you're keen to group off into localised efforts, yell out and I'll give you the keys to your own part of this party - wherever you are. :nz:

Voice chat on Discord too.


DIGITALIEN Sun 18 Jun 2017 7:51AM

Hey @ipjobooth Pretty sure I have made it clear I am very interested in IP Australia :D Show me the keys to decentralisation, the keys to a brighter future that I can be excited at what it holds for my children.


IP Jo Booth Sun 18 Jun 2017 8:15AM

Here you go @digitalien https://internet-party.loomio.org/g/6Wbvlznq/internet-party-policy-incubator-ipau

We'll be bringing the party in a few day, but gather up a few more Australian or even ex-pat NZders - and incubate some awesome ideas for making AU even better. :purple_heart:


DIGITALIEN Sun 18 Jun 2017 8:16AM

Greatly appreciate it - and will begin work straight away. The more people we can get involved the greater opportunity we have, as citizens of the world to make a difference.


IP Jo Booth Sun 18 Jun 2017 8:47AM

Welcome along @luisafernandaquint ! :nz:


Suzie Dawson Sun 18 Jun 2017 11:07AM

Hey guys - my name is Suzie and I'm leading the NZ campaign. Just wanted to tell you that I am so excited by this initiative. I had probably 100 people contact me yesterday from about 8-10 different countries, all wanting to build their own Internet Party. On top of dozens that had already contacted the Party in previous weeks.

We have a lot of huge things up our sleeve for this campaign but are taking pause for a moment to set this space up so we can integrate with everyone around the world, because it's so important to us that people have their own decentralised, sovereign spaces to organise for their nations and local communities.

So we will give you whatever help we can but ultimately your Party will be what you make of it. Chat to people, mimic and localise as much of the Internet Party infrastructure as you wish, and get busy. We would love to let you gain campaign experience by volunteering on our campaign but you can also just dedicate yourself to building your local Party if you wish. Or do both. The more the merrier in this movement and it's every individual's prerogative as to what degree they participate!

Our team is working on putting together a package including basic constitutional structure, advice on business/legal structure, web and branding/marketing collateral, etc but then it will be yours to run with and collaborate with your fellow citizens to make work for you. We have zero intention of controlling what you do but will do everything we can to help facilitate it, as able.

This may take a couple of weeks to pull together but as you can see, the seed has already been planted. Stay tuned to our website https://internet.org.nz and our Twitter @InternetPartyNZ and Facebook to keep up to date with the progress!

Good luck, and have fun!!!!


DIGITALIEN Sun 18 Jun 2017 11:43AM

@suziedawson I must admit that I was one to bombard you guys with an e-mail in recent weeks about IPau :)

I am very excited to have the basics set up here to try and get some Aussie (and ex-pat Kiwis) join me and give us a great launch pad moving forward. And what you stated above is very exciting.

I thank you, @ipjobooth and the entire team at the Internet Party for providing this opportunity - and I am looking at ways to make it over in time to try and assist with the election.


Suzie Dawson Sun 18 Jun 2017 11:47AM

Thank you so much :)

To volunteer for the NZ campaign please email volunteers@internet.org.nz and let them know your skillsets and they will refer you to the right campaign director (we have 4, managing different areas)

Keep an eye on the website as we will integrate this Loomio there, with more information and a bunch of digital resources that you can download and then modify accordingly for your AU campaign

Best of luck and thanks for being a part of this!!!



Carlito Sun 18 Jun 2017 12:52PM

Hi all!

Italy is in!

All the best,


P.S.: please update this 3D as soon as rules and procedures for the opening of international/local chapters will be in place...


Suzie Dawson Sun 18 Jun 2017 12:59PM

Hey! Awesome to see you and definitely we will keep posting updates and soon there will be an International section on our website with resources and more details. We aren't really into "rules" but we'll definitely lay out our understanding of ways we can help, and advice for how you guys can get started. But each Party will be autonomous, sovereign and decentralised, and it's up to you all what you make of it from then :)


Suzie Dawson Sun 18 Jun 2017 1:01PM

Hi all - please hook up with @billurale and @chrisyong if you are in New Zealand or are interested for volunteering for the New Zealand campaign and/or email volunteers@internet.org.nz

Also say hi to @sarahillingworth1, our amazing Communications Director, who will be putting out releases about this initiative to Media among many other awesome things she does every day :)

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