CAST Helston venue
Our point of contact with the London festival so far has been Shiri Shalmy at Open School East. She suggested talking to CAST Helston as a venue for some events, and made an email introduction to their Chair of Trustees Teresa Gleadowe, suggesting we contact resident artists Ben Sanderson and James Hankey to explore possible use of the venue. They have been invited to this Loomio group and may join us here soon...
Possible events @CAST so far
- Hannah Lawrence is booked to do a ceramics workshop Sat 21st
- Visit by the Circuit group scheduled also Sat 21st
- Gemma Anderson might do another drawing workshop?
Adam Russell Wed 7 Oct 2015 12:35PM
Hi @maddiebroad your comment could be a proposal, for example if you feared that we were now planning to invite all Cornish events to take place under one roof at CAST and you wanted to propose that we don't do that. But I think so far, that's not being suggested. The openness of the festival for anyone to propose anything in any venue remains pretty fundamental. An open question though is how we can help people find spaces to put things on (e.g. offering CAST) without it becoming a centralised event! Quite a conundrum :)
Perhaps you could start a new discussion (from the button on the main group page) about venues in general, then we can update the context there (the description at the top) to list possibles/approached/definite-offers or something... each venue could then also have a specific discussion, like this one for CAST, listing specific details e.g. when its available, who is the point of contact, what is provisionally scheduled to be on there...*
As an aside, there's a Loomio blog post called "9 ways to use a Loomio proposal..." with some interesting (very generic) thoughts.
- - or this might all just be overkill on my part :P
Maddie Broad · Wed 7 Oct 2015 12:15PM
I think it's good to have some events that are based at CAST, as well as others that are located elsewhere (in various types of locations- public, private, inside, outside- whatever the event calls for, just not only art spaces)
Should this comment be a proposal?