Finalising the DIF VISION
I'm still spanking new to loomio and hopefully am doing things right, but as Ranjan said, its better to do than to just say/think...
Look we've taken a long time to finalize this, Debbie was super kind to put ALL our vision statements into one document for me today and I have spliced and married all of them into ONE statement. I do hope it works!! Am including a note on Ranjan's vision that we MUST use in our vision document.
Diana irani Wed 30 Sep 2015 5:45PM
Yes yes yes yes yes
Mugdha Sethi Wed 30 Sep 2015 6:37PM
DIF is a design driven community initiative that mobilises resources to apply design thinking and innovation to social and development areas to enable sustainable growth at grassroot local level, and scale boundaries.
Again attempted minor edits, to bring back a few words we had, and lost e.g. grassroots. And also, to remove repeats - e.g. the word design came 3-4 times in 3 lines...
Shailaja Shah Wed 30 Sep 2015 6:48PM
Aiyo, withdrawing proposal so that i can reincorporate mugi's bit too, and this: DIF is a design-driven community initiative that mobilises resources to apply design thinking and innovation to solve social and development areas by enabling and empowering grassroots communities and local enterprises to thrive and scale towards long term sustainability and impact
siddhartha chatterjee Wed 7 Oct 2015 1:55AM
DIF is a design-driven community initiative that mobilises resources to enable grassroots communities and local enterprises to innovate, develop, connect and scale towards sustainable, longterm impact.
(sorry to be late in here, haven't checked loomio in 6 days, must have missed the prompts on slack / whatsapp) x
Diana irani Wed 7 Oct 2015 4:13AM
Diana irani
Shailaja Shah Wed 7 Oct 2015 5:43AM
As much as I like Chats's version, I think that Mugi's last version and mine talk about applying design thinking which is important. What is unique about us is that we are applying design thinking, and we are a design driven community initiative. If the word design twice in a sentence is too much, please see the option provided:
Here is the last working version: DIF is a design-driven community initiative that mobilizes resources to
apply design thinking to social and development areas by empowering
grassroots communities and local enterprises to thrive and scale them
towards long term sustainability and impact.
DIF is a community-driven initiative that mobilizes resources to
apply design thinking to social and development areas by empowering
grassroots communities and local enterprises to thrive and scale them
towards long term sustainability and impact.
Shailaja Shah
Creative Director
+91 904 900 2269
[email protected] ( [email protected] )
siddhartha chatterjee Wed 7 Oct 2015 8:04AM
...mobilizes... to apply design-thinking to ...areas empowering ... to thrive ...and scale them towards...
Suggest we need, at the very least to break this into 2 or 3 sentences.
A short paragraph might be better and allow clearer mention of why it is, what it is. Maybe then a line about how, platform, crowdfunding, projects.
Btw, I think 'design-thinking' has become a growth industry since ideo's kelly coined the term. I'm a bit old-school in thinking it refers to 'design-doing' as well, in other words just 'design'. It seemed like a smart differentiation strategy for an industry leader (initially) seeking a measure of academic and corporate legitimacy, and while i think there are many valuable insights from DT literature and project documentation that Ranjan also tapped into, I'm just sharing that we are not doing 'design-thinking' as much as doing design, in my view. I'm uncomfortable with saying we are "mobilizing... to apply design thinking to social and development areas... by empowering communities"
Firstly, need to clarify how the one-or-more communities referred to differ
Secondly, what the problem we're seeking to solve...
We need to simplify. And shorten. I think :)
Shailaja Shah Wed 7 Oct 2015 8:13AM
fair enough :)
Shailaja Shah
Creative Director
+91 904 900 2269
[email protected] ( [email protected] )
Shailaja Shah Wed 7 Oct 2015 8:34AM
Okay, Sid, using your statement as the vision statement :)
Shailaja Shah
Creative Director
+91 904 900 2269
[email protected] ( [email protected] )
Shailaja Shah · Wed 30 Sep 2015 5:21PM
DIF, we all agree is trying to uphold the vision of MP Ranjan. Here is a succinct description of Ranjan's core philosophy that we need to incorporate into our vision, and vision document.
Ranjan’s core philosophy encompassed many things starting with building human-centered ecosystems to grassroot craft communities to design thinking, to technology. His experiences in developing sustainable design solutions for the crafts sector, particularly in bamboo, eventually became a cornerstone of his design evangelism for the real world. He identified 230 sectors of the Indian economy he thought could do with serious design interventions. If India was to grow to its fullest potential, he insisted, each of these sectors required every designer’s urgent and engaged involvement.