The Welfaeries

Sam Buckingham -
Lets talk Welfare!
A small group of us have met and begun planning for Welfare. We want to encourage a "Culture of caring", where everyone takes some responsibility for the welfare of themselves and others, all looking out for each other.
Below is a summary of what has been proposed so far:
Name and theme! - The most important bit! We will be called.......SASS and the Welfaeries! (Safe And Sober Space). So if you fancy dressing up like a sassy fairy and wandering around being nice to people, potentially helping out in a crisis, this is a role for you! Come and get involved :)
Space - We would like to adopt the Tipi as a base.
Shifts - We propose a "SASSquatch" role (classically "Helm" or "Site lead") who oversees welfare, as well as being a point of contact for site, neighbours, noise complaints, emergency services etc. This would be an 8 hour shift pattern (24/7) overlapping the welfare shift change. (18 Helm shifts in total).
The actual welfare shifts would be in pairs and for 6 hours (48 welfare shifts total)(That's if we have full coverage).
Combining Rangers and Welfare - We propose to combine these roles, so those on shift will move around the site with radios, and a radio will be left in the Tipi with clear instructions on how to use it for those who need it. Those on shift will check back at the Tipi regularly, but can join in with activities as long as they remain sober and on radio.
Pre-burn welfare - We plan on setting up an email or zoom meeting so that anyone can contact us before the burn to talk about any worries they may have ("I had covid a couple of weeks ago and still feeling fragile", "a family member passed away last month", "it's my first burn and I'm coming alone" etc)
Spotter/buddy system - We want to encourage people to let others know what you are doing! Going for a walk and won't be back for a couple of hours? First time taking XXX? Planning a solo trip? Please tell someone!
Post-burn welfare - We hope to facilitate a zoom meeting or possibly group chat after the burn to help with integration etc.
This is just a very brief outline of what has been discussed so far, if you have any ideas / comments then please add them below! Also, if you would like to be added to the Welfare chat, please contact me (Sam B) on 07791433384 and I will add you!
We will need lots of people to sign up for Helm and Welfare shifts (spreadsheet coming to a screen near you soon), it's a great way to get involved, and it's also worth remembering that whilst you need to be prepared for an incident, this is only a 100 person burn, and it's likely to be pretty quiet welfare-wise (probably shouldn't have said that...)

Laura Bennett Wed 16 Feb 2022 1:24PM
I'm happy to dress as a fairy and check if ppl are ok at some point. Will there be fancy dress clothes at Celtic burn, or should I buy my own fairy things? :)
Rob Sandberg Tue 22 Mar 2022 5:38PM
Helm and Welfare shifts- is there a place to sign up?
John Fryer · Mon 7 Feb 2022 7:01PM
Additional proposals include:
Buddy System at Gate: Upon arrival you are presented with a wristband whereby you write the name(s) of your pre-agreed buddies with permanent marker and then that is captured by Gate and handed to SASS (Welfare) once Gate is finished. For first time burners coming alone we can offer a buddy from SASS, Gate or pre-agreed volunteer buddies. Doesn't necessarily need to be 1-2-1, can have two buddies each e.g. as part of a group of three. Seems the most efficient way to ensure everyone has a buddy and the burn has a system to contact them if needed for the range of reasons buddy system is being proposed.
Shoulder to lean on volunteers: A whiteboard in SASS where members can write their names down and in doing so offer themselves as a go to person for non-judgemental in case people want to reach out but don't feel compelled to utilise SASS / Welfaeries, as part of wider Celtic Burn Culture of Compassionate Care. A.K.A. "Mammy shifts" in Mythological Irish Folklore known as Niamhism (-:
Welfare announcement during Opening Ceremony: Community announcement whilst everyone is gathered for the intended Welfare / first aid / substance safety 101 training to take place on the morning of the first or second day
Process for handling Medical situations: We have no onsite on-shift paramedic at this event, but do contain usual safety 3rd risks in additional to some site specific risks and offerings . Looking for comments from you below on how best to approach this and what process to put in place in the event of an emergency.