Bath Spa University

Have been in touch with a mature student who wants to get all the undergrads moving. Please can he borrow the Brexitometer to put up in the main Atrium for a few days? Or do we have a second one?
Can we support him in any other ways?
Hurrah - at last they're stirring!

Mark Baines Tue 29 Oct 2019 4:25PM
Thanks. When do we need it back? Also, I was going to supply him with leaflets and bank notes to hand out. Is that okay?

Alice Hovanessian Tue 29 Oct 2019 9:48PM
Ok if we suggest he uses a flipchart from the Uni instead? He can purchase dots from WHSmith, or just ask people to tick their answers. He is welcome to take leaflets and banknotes - can you make sure you give him lots of the 'Register to vote' postcards which we made specifically for students? They are in the big box on top of the chair in your basement - under the merchandise bags. Also the green ones might be good, and some Gavin Esler? Thank you!
Alice Hovanessian · Mon 28 Oct 2019 6:16PM
That's great Mark - they can borrow the easel and whiteboard if they need it, and we can devise the question depending on what they want to ask. More simple would be for him obtain a flipchart from the University and devise his own - we can supply ideas if he needs them!