Tue 28 Jan 2025 6:02PM

PLANET mvp - Specification

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 185

This is a space to discuss the tools and features of PLANET and what makes it into Phase 1 of the mvp.

See the attached 'Potential features and phases' Doc - but please note: This is ALL hypothetical and subject to change. Consider this a snapshot of current thinking and not something set in stone.

If you have ideas for other features, the best way to contribute is to develop comprehensive User Stories (following the "As a user, I want to:" format, and listing all the things you'd like to do), so we can incorporate / link to them from the Potential Features Doc.

In collaboration! :)

Oli S-B


spirit Tue 28 Jan 2025 8:42PM

  1. I think a project management layer could be nice so people can share their progress publicly. This could be useful to prove (reputation) integrity along with just the benefit of exchanging progress updates.

  2. Perhaps related to the above, but also including more services — an extensions layer — where users can integrate some of their other services into Planet. For example, integrating GitHub’s project management layer (ie issues). This may be more technical, but could be really great for open source developers to add-on to the core functionality for more niche use cases…


Jonas Wed 29 Jan 2025 9:02AM

All of these are possibly a bit more specific and would come later, but just to put it out there (not sure how 'complete' you'd want this feature set to be):

  1. A reward/bounty layer for proposals (currency / token / reputation-based value / ...)

  2. If we do (1), then also a progress-tracking layer where the implementation of proposals can be tracked (e.g. evidence uploaded and confirmed in regular intervals / on finish). For each verified step in the progress, a fraction of the reward could be paid out.

  3. ... a lot of ideas for the proposal phase: Metrics associated with proposals (how it will influence various targets), Prediction market, various voting modules, ...
    I guess for this, @spirit 's (2) , the extension layer, would be really good!


Billy Smith Wed 29 Jan 2025 3:59PM

There's also the influence of new technologies on existing processes.

( I'm mostly working on Digital Fabrication, so this is my technological bias... )

As Digital Fabrication tools have become cheaper, there are solutions available now, that previously were only available to larger organisations.

This, in turn, reduces the costs of manufacturing, so smaller, local-level org's can get the same economies-of-scale that large org's are using.

Add in OSHW designs, and we've now got the capabilities to make the tools we need to thrive. :D

A monitoring/tracking function for tech-dev would be useful, as it can give the opportunity for creating new bounties, that will help the creation of new economic opportunities. :D


Daniel Harris Wed 5 Feb 2025 1:20PM

Hi @Oli SB ! Great to see recent developments for Murmurations and Planet App. Say I am a user and using the offers/wants (marketplace) schema, and I really want to add a little bit more metadata into my interface for my own purposes but I don't want to store it in another system: maybe stock count or something? How flexible is your system? Am I locked into the schema definition or can I alter it at my end for my own purposes? Cheers Daniel


Oli SB Wed 5 Feb 2025 5:13PM

Hi @Daniel Harris - you can easily create and use an add-on schema, which basically extends the base schema - see https://docs.murmurations.network/faqs/schema.html#what-is-the-difference-between-a-base-schema-and-an-add-on-schema :)


Lynn Foster Wed 5 Feb 2025 2:27PM

I'd like to see what people think about specifying standard vocabularies, to go along with the standardized protocol? And some discussion with how to add missing pieces, if there are any after that.

Of course, I am happy to help with mapping and integrating Valueflows for economic activity (since I work on it). I know there is some schema.org already included in Murmurations schemas, not sure where PLANET has gone yet in those directions. I'm also happy to help consider other vocabularies, for social, governance, etc., although I'm not as deep into those.

For example, the answer to @Daniel Harris question is in Valueflows. And for @Billy Smith , VF should support OSHW, it was used for the EU funded FabCity project, and will be used as Sensorica goes forward with its next version of the NRP software. It also could probably support project management kinds of activities. (Valueflows is open and all volunteer, not trying to "sell" anything here, just offer up another piece of the commons.)


Oli SB Thu 6 Feb 2025 4:04PM

Hi All,

Here's a updated version of the Features and Phases doc, including more details on each of the features and @spirit's suggestion of Project Management (under 'Groups Phase 2').

We've been researching SSO and DID solutions, which feel foundational, since the decentralised vision cannot be realised without this and all other features and services require a suitable ID system. So, we are currently thinking this feature alone may be Phase 1.

And that perhaps just an Offers & Wants app, which Admins can host for multiple Groups (that uses the DID system) might be Phase 2 since previous feedback indicated quite a lot of interest in Offers & Wants...

But what do you think?

Are there other features we should add or other things we should prioritise?


Daniel Harris Sat 8 Feb 2025 11:53AM

Hi @Oli SB one of my concerns is lock-in. There are so many apps and services already out in the wild doing amazing things. And also there are so many technologies pushing the app design paradigm. There are also so many people trying to map what is going on and where. For our own efforts we've started mapping these in Kendraio Similar Applications. This is an example of one such mapping effort. But I'm sure that there is something in Planet's space too. There are so many people planning to build the everything app. Kendraio too! Can we learn from them before we push the go button? Would it be better to make it easier to integrate with what is already out there rather than creating a new all-or-nothing app? I'm sure you've thought about your answer to that question but I'd be interested to hear.


Oli SB Sat 8 Feb 2025 4:42PM

@Daniel Harris thanks for posting here too - I think my answer to this is the same as on the other thread: we are trying to define a set of protocols (which people can chose to adopt or not) and to implement them to provide a hosted solution for groups, which others can also install, or integrate with by using the same protocols - so members are not locked into one 'platform' or instance...

Hopefully, if we specify this well, other groups and platforms will see the benefits of adopting the same protocols to connect their groups and platforms to 'the network' / 'federation' so that they can collaborate with other people and and groups... no matter where they are or which platform they are using.


Daniel Harris Sat 8 Feb 2025 7:14PM

Sounds great @Oli SB . I look forward to seeing how this unfolds. Especially interested in what happens on the user's device verses what happens on the server. Does the user have an app installed or just a web view, for instance? And if it is an installed app then is it just talking to the server using Murmurations? Sorry for the number of questions but I'm super curious. Cheers!

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