Seeds for Future Conversation

if you encounter a subject which is not directly in service of the unfolding wholeness of the work, that may lead to a "divergent conversation with no convergent tail" but would like to bookmark it for future reference add it here.
If you see something in this thread that you feel deserves more attention now, do something about it! reply here in the thread, start a new thread dedicated to this subject, propose a gathering ...
Alex Rodriguez Thu 24 Dec 2020 6:08PM
I agree @Ronen Hirsch that we have an opportunity with this loomio space to use it very spaciously and consciously. For example, I'm just coming to this now having had some brain-and-heart space to browse through our loomio "archive" and add a few comments where there's space.
Alex Rodriguez Tue 5 Jan 2021 9:47PM
Pale Blue Dots
A series of seemingly random interactions and events today led me back to this piece of writing that I did about the piece of music I shared in my previous post ...
It closes with this aspiration:
"I am optimistic that experimental music-making along these lines can mean something in the 21st century, as a way of imagining generative alternatives to the challenging status quo of global-scale cultural production. Through an improvised and experimental social ethos and the crucial lineage of African-American creative improvised music, the surprising confluences of activity that bubbled up in Santiago earlier this year can also thrive elsewhere—and I hope to be there listening (at least in spirit) when they do."
This reminded me of Ronen's comment about what the "jazz club of the future" will be. In this context of our remote microsolidarity work, it clicked into a possibility that I'd like to consider with you all at some point: a global remote concert series, where we curate and coordinate a series of virtual concerts all over the world in some sort of series, selling tickets for both live events and "be-there-in-spirit" recordings. In my own network I could probably come up with a roster of musicians on six continents who'd possibly be game. But this would need some serious coordination to pull off effectively! Giving it a go on my own would be super overwhelming, but as an experiment in trying something with y'all it could be cool.
I'm putting this in "seeds for future conversation" on purpose ... because I don't know when the right moment will be to discuss trying something practical and event-based like this, so I trust that if/when that moment arises, we'll know!
Josh Fairhead Thu 25 Feb 2021 6:18PM
Just a quick note on the short discussion when @Ronen Hirsch dropped from our call.
@Toni Blanco mentioned that the anarchist collective he knows rarely even used the consent process because when somethings wrong they just let each other know. In my head this IS the consent process, its just infomalised as its a core part of their ideology which drives their actions. So, the discussion unfolded around the structures or beliefs we have that give rise to a certain topology of interaction patterns. Crypto libertarians tend to hold values around strength, individualistic freedom and capitalism; a meme base that gives rise to what you see in that space... hero worship, the reifying of extrinsic motivators (incentives/tokens) and objectifying as much as possible. Within the context of beliefs driving actions, I asked what ideologies do we hold to heart that move us in similar ways? At which point Ronen came back on line as I was quoting Abby Hoffman's "I'm not an ~ist of any sort" before we 'popped the stack' and carried on with prior conversation. (on that note: "Steal this Movie" is a great watch and highly recommended)
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Ronen Hirsch · Fri 4 Dec 2020 12:03PM
Staying Silent
This subject is continuously alive for me but posting it here was triggered by these signals from Alex and Josh:
I am not yet willing to accept that entropy always wins! I believe we can make conscious choices about how/what/when we communicate. I believe that one way to do this is by coming back to whatever wholeness we are trying to serve and giving that priority over whatever I feel I want to say at the present moment ... also trusting (and using this thread) that if something is truly needed it will surface again and the time will come to address it.