
European Commons Assembly process

RVD Ruby van der Wekken Public Seen by 332

A thread to start to map what our needs are and thus our hopes/objectives for the European Commons Assembly process beyond Brussles - to be further discussed in Brussles and to be further envisioned and realised by all participating.


Ruby van der Wekken Sun 25 Sep 2016 10:52PM

How do we go about this? :)

I went back to the Titanpad which was started during the Villarceaux meetings, and retrieved from an earlier version the needs we started charting then

Needs of the Commons

To exist commons need that people be given the freedom and ressources to create, manage and sustain commons. They require a constant horizontal participatory process : in the decision making within communities and between citizens and governing institutions, in the design and in the monitoring of all forms of commons. Commoners shall give birth to a european movement that will allow solidarity, collaboration, knowledge and experiences sharing, visibility and agency of the commons.

Needs of everyone joining the network

So far, we (individuals, communities, initiatives and organizations) have expressed the following needs:
- to stand in solidarity around our diverse struggles for the commons,
- to exchange experiences, case studies and other information,
- to develop and govern resources in an open, participatory and inclusive manner (funding, infrastructures...) to support our activities,
- to develop policies to preserve the commons and commoners and participate in lawmaking processes,
- to strenghten, gain visibility and campaign better

The identification of our needs will be ongoing throughout the process.

I started a Hackpad - is this a good way to go about it?


Nicole Leonard Mon 26 Sep 2016 5:26AM

Thanks so much for starting this Ruby. Just for info, I am trying to build the program for the 3 days around the 16th and there are two time slots for which we are trying to get rooms so we can work together on this topic of the ECA moving forward.

  1. November 15 in the afternoon.
  2. November 17 in the morning.

Ruby van der Wekken Tue 27 Sep 2016 9:09PM

Seems very good to have two timeslots like that!