Venice live stream?!
Far too late for this now perhaps, but I was excited by @bramarnold 's comment idea of live streaming his presentation on/of Trail Mix from Venice at a symposium on alternative forms of education in the arts! The comment was buried in an archived meeting minutes discussion, and with so much craziness over the last 3 weeks I never actually pursued it.
After I heard from @shirishalmy that there was still stuff coming into the programme after it went live on the web, I thought "Oo, wonder if Bram still wanted to do that" and I was going to contact him, still haven't yet. So I am chasing this now to see if there's anything there before we do any printed listings. It's a long shot. But it was such an interesting coincidence!
(FYI the first thing is simply to find out from Bram exactly when it's happening. Then we can look at the schedule and see if it's worth trying to squeeze this extra in at that time)
Adam Russell Wed 4 Nov 2015 4:10PM
Ok I've found the event from Bram's twitter feed. It's 'Future Rhythms' on 'Educational Strategies via the Body and Performance' with an intro + opening performance lecture by 5 speakers 4-6/7pm Sat and then main symposium with half a dozen things happening 12.30-5pm Sun. Bram's main contribution seems to be a DJ set at the party on Saturday night. God I'd love to be at that! But I will be at Red Foot Crow's gig at Peapod's Penryn. Not quite the Venice Biennale :P
Event website here:
Having looked at it, I'm now thinking no part of this is likely to be turned into an AUNow live stream...?
Adam Russell Wed 4 Nov 2015 4:19PM
Sorry the party and Bram's set is on the Sunday night (22nd).
Helen Moore Wed 4 Nov 2015 4:21PM
Me and Bram met up and we plan to work together to get this done + we recon it would be pretty great if Bram pretended to be a rouge Penryn reporter and just randomly interview people at the event as well. @bramarnold Also I think someone should hold some sort of meetup.
Adam Russell Wed 4 Nov 2015 7:36PM
Ok, great! It seems from the web programme that the only Cornish event on Sunday 22nd is at Fal Uni's AMATA space 4-7pm, Emma Lindsay's 'Movement and our Understanding of the Natural World'.
So most of the Sunday symposium in Venice (12.30-5ish) doesn't clash with any other Cornwall events. I'm now back into excited about seeing this happen!! Really hope we can find a timeframe and a venue at this end to present the live stream 'as an event', beyond it just being live online. Like actually having it in a space with an audience.
Helen Moore Wed 4 Nov 2015 11:00PM
@bramarnold is chasing up a guy who has opened his garage as a performance space as part of his Fine Art degree I think. Bram was waiting to hear back from him and then was going to let me know.
Bram Arnold Fri 6 Nov 2015 11:07AM
Hey Guys,
Right now I feel slightly up against it just in terms of planning/organising/making the actual thing I'm going to do in Venice. Setting up a live stream while I'm out there should be feasible but there are so many technical issues to iron out that I can't say for certain right now that that is feasible.
It is possible, but from my perspective I just want to focus on doing the best thing I can in Venice, for the people who are there in Venice. If you guys want to try and set up something at this end to receive a live stream then I need you to take that on. The venice thing is understandably a big deal for me and I need to focus on getting it right.
This is a bit inconclusive because a bit of me massively wants to be invovled in the Cornish Fringe, but at the same time, maybe we should all just try and be where we are. I'm happy to meet someone later today if someone is around, I'll be in my studio and free after 5pm, a pint perhaps?
Otherwise I think its too late. Thoughts? 07790409721.
Adam Russell Fri 6 Nov 2015 11:52AM
"maybe we should all just try and be where we are". VERY sound thinking. Don't worry Bram, my feeling is it was a nice idea, but we have to look at where we are, what's happening and where our energies are going. Don't sweat it man, both events are looking great.
There was a reason for the "?!" on the title of this discussion thread ;)
Adam Russell · Wed 4 Nov 2015 4:00PM
I guess this also never got pursued because @bramarnold was going to come to the next pub meetup after Helen's minutes 3 weeks ago, and there hasn't been one since!