TBANZ Charter

We could use Loomio to develop a TBANZ charter, which could be discussed, tweaked and ratified at the next hui. This could include:
* core principles
* decision-making rules
* conflict resolution process (between individuals, and between groups in the network)
This charter would be a living document which can be changed by unanimous consensus, but it would be provide a clear framework for making decisions using Loomio, and give new participants a way to understand how TBANZ is working at any given time.

Paul Smith Mon 10 Dec 2012 11:11PM
Would this mean each timebank that agrees to the core principles and guidlines set out here could be recognised as a TBANZ timebank?
I think there's a lot of value in this as it'll mean if someone decides to move to a new city they'll know what to expect from their local timebank.
Danyl Strype · Sat 8 Dec 2012 12:32AM
Core principles would presumably those laid out in this discussion: