Finalising the DIF VISION
I’m still spanking new to loomio and already screwed up, but as Ranjan said, its better to do than to just say/think…
Look we’ve taken a long time to finalize this, Debbie was super kind to put ALL our vision statements into one document for me today and I have spliced and married all of them into ONE statement. I do hope it works!! Am including a note on Ranjan’s vision that we MUST use in our vision document.
Diana irani Thu 1 Oct 2015 11:29AM
Yes thums up
Sajith Ansar Fri 2 Oct 2015 8:38AM
This is good
Mugdha Sethi Fri 2 Oct 2015 4:03PM
Shai: Talked to you on the phone regarding this yesterday: we probably have 99% of the elements we are looking for in this one...I'm giving it a last attempt at editing to make it a tad shorter without losing critical bits... and also, with the awareness that anything that gets removed here goes into the very first paragraph of the slightly longer vision statement.
DIF is a design-driven community initiative that mobilizes resources to apply design thinking to social and development areas by empowering grassroots communities and local enterprises to thrive and scale them towards long term sustainability and impact.
Mugdha Sethi Sat 3 Oct 2015 1:17AM
DIF is a design-driven community initiative that mobilizes resources to apply design thinking to social and development areas by empowering grassroots communities and local enterprises to thrive and scale them towards long term sustainability and impact.
Rest please edit or agree.
Shailaja Shah · Wed 30 Sep 2015 6:53PM
Please disregard previous version of this vote and take it as a steep learning curve for me :p