Dominic Grieve can speak in Bath on Thursday 20th September
I have been in contact with Dominic Grieve's office and have just received an email with a potential date for him to speak to us on Thursday 20th September during recess. Up until that time, he is very busy indeed and his diary is full. I reckon we should go with that date and put it in the diary. I am going to speak to his Office tomorrow. Is everyone happy with the 20th?
Maggie Turner Thu 22 Mar 2018 5:33PM
Well I guess we could go for a bigger venue as it is just before the Exit Deal vote in October and we can give it loads of publicity and try and get some of our Bristol friends over. He wants to return home that evening to be in his constituency, Beaconsfield the next day so doesn't want to be too late. I think the venue is something we can discuss.

Olivia Leydenfrost Thu 22 Mar 2018 9:08PM
I'm all for it! I agree that we should look into a bigger venue than WSC. We should be able to draw a bigger crowd.
Tony Ambrose Fri 23 Mar 2018 11:47AM
Excellent. Ideally somehwhere that sits say 350. Doubt we would fill the forum...Assembly rooms maybe. Might be worth contacting them sooner rather than later.....
Maggie Turner Fri 23 Mar 2018 2:43PM
I have written to his office this morning to confirm the date and put it in the diary. They came back to me so quickly and efficiently, I didn't want to hang about. Mr Grieve has a meeting in Beaconsfield the following day and needs to get there afterwards (3 hours door to door by train - suggested alternate route) and has offered us lunchtime or evening meeting. I suggested 6.00pm - 8.00pm so that we could encourage people after work and students. Lunchtime would attract a lot of retired people and not such a representative or varied audience. I think a bigger venue would be important as we are getting very close to October and the Exit Vote and we may well attract press and TV interest. I have copied Emma (Events) into the emails to DG's office.
Claire Thomas Sun 25 Mar 2018 10:16AM
Maggie, this is great. It must be an evening meeting for the reasons you say - also I can't see us filling a huge venue at lunchtime. I've put it in our schedule. Do we know what his angle will be because I don't think he is saying stop brexit.
Maggie Turner Mon 26 Mar 2018 10:07AM
Claire, I don't know as the picture is changing all the time and we don't know where we will be in September. I am waiting to hear back from his office to see if an early evening meeting suits DG.

Dick Daniel Mon 26 Mar 2018 8:34AM
Good to have him as he is high profile and Tory.
Maggie Turner Tue 27 Mar 2018 6:57PM
Dominic Grieve will be coming to speak to us in Bath on 20th September from 7.00pm until 9.00pm. His suggested title for his talk is 'Brexit: Clarity or Smoke and Mirrors'. Travel arrangements have been made. We are looking into suitable venues. The Assembly Rooms are already booked.
Tony Ambrose Wed 28 Mar 2018 6:59AM
Worth trying hayesfield theatre again, and reminding tgem cameron talked there!
Alison Born · Thu 22 Mar 2018 5:20PM
Sounds good to me. What venue do we want to use?