Tue 19 Nov 2019 3:52PM

Help with EarthArXiv social media!!

DI Daniel Ibarra Public Seen by 85

Dear EarthArXiv community,
We are in need of a few (2 to 3+) people to take over the EarthArXiv social media postings. Each week we typically post recent preprints submitted to EarthArXiv, answer questions people have on twitter, and post EarthArXiv relevant content during major conferences like EGU and AGU. We are asking for volunteers from the EarthArXiv community who are willing to commit to sharing the social media duties for ~1 year. @geoda (David Fernández-Blanco) has been running the twitter account for over 2 years (since the beginning of EarthArXiv!) and has done a fantastic job. Much of our growth and promotion is a result of his efforts. David has a template and workflow to go from and one of us will provide a short conference call for training. If you are interested, please send me an email by next Friday November 29th subject "EarthArXiv Social Media" ([email protected]) with your name, affiliation, and twitter handle, and the Advisory Council will select several representatives.
Dan Ibarra
EarthArXiv Advisory Council Member


Eric Jameson Fielding Wed 20 Nov 2019 12:31AM

I think you mean @_GeoDa_ is David's Twitter handle.


Daniel Ibarra Wed 20 Nov 2019 12:37AM

That is his Loomio handle! But yes, you are correct that is his twitter handle.


Daniel Pastor Galán Wed 20 Nov 2019 1:32AM

I am quite messy handling things like that, I can certainly help, but I wouldn't put on my hands that responsibility...


Pablo Ampuero Wed 20 Nov 2019 8:13AM

I can't commit to the full job, but count on me to occasionally highlight earthquake-related preprints.


Christopher Jackson Wed 20 Nov 2019 2:17PM

Hi All! Hopefully someone can help out here. If we don't get any takers amongst the Loomio-based ambassadors, we can always make a more general call on Twitter. Chris


Daniel Ibarra Wed 20 Nov 2019 3:34PM

Agreed. Already have 1 firm volunteer and 1 possible, though I gave people until next Friday to respond. I will keep the Advisory Council updated on our other thread and I made this a public thread, so we could always tweet a link out to it using the EarthArxiv account?