Regular Rewards for Dani

At the encouragement of Griff, Lorelei and my Unicorn Uncles I present this proposal for Regular Rewards from the Giveth and Unicorn DACs (Governance Circle? Not sure which Campaign). I am grateful for your consideration of my continuous presence and fulfillment of documented Roles for Giveth, and appreciate the opportunity to be supported for bringing my unique experience, skills and network relationships to the Galaxy as the Soul I Am.
Besides thinking, talking, writing and dreaming about Giveth 24/7, here are the Roles I hold as seen on linked sheet:
1.) Contributor Coordination: This is management of the RewardDAO and relationship support for contributors who join the Contributor, Community, General.. Basically any room I’m tracking :)
Activities include:
Identifying and communicating with new members to share tasks and information.
Introducing contributors to the reward DAO and guide them through the process.
Collecting feedback on improvements to the Reward DAO and Wall of Fame and coordinate follow through.
Facilitating the monthly point allocation, milestone creation, approval and payout.
Finding new volunteers, tracking the videos of volunteers-"
2.) DApp Onboarding: For this role I leverage my own experience onboarding to Giveth as a User who did not have any Ethereum ecosystem familiarity or general development skills and ramping up to become relatively proficient and able to guide others through the process.
Activities include:
Responding to and Supporting DApp Early Adopters as Point of Contact
Identifying, Qualifying and Proposing New Candidates
Developing Supporting Tools & Resources
Gathering, Analyzing and Reporting Feedback
Providing First Line Technical Support
Onboarding DACs and Campaigns
3.) Whitelist Gatekeeper: Newer role, working to clean up the Whitelist and keep it fresh with active Campaign Owners, Milestone Reviewers, and DAC Delegates.
Activities include:
- manage the whitelists
- onboard reviewers by sending out canned messages (see loomio)
- assess whether reviewers are right to be on that list, at every stage (before they get whitelisted, and while they have reviewer status)
- kick people off the list according to grounds for removal
- onboard campaign and DAC managers
4.) Unicorn: Joyfully allocating Giveth donations across the Galaxy, discovering our limits and exploring ways to collectively move forward with security, solidarity and clarity of purpose.
Activities include:
Monitoring Campaigns/Milestones for activity to fund
Prompting Givethers through the steps toward being funded
Encouraging Contributors to create new Milestones on existing Campaigns for work being performed.
Raising awareness amongst Unicorns of active milestones that need funding.
Allocating 600 DAI a week by the Sunday deadline.
5.) Contact Engagement Tracking: This is still in conceptual phase and an unfulfilled intention right now. We have the tool and I’ve harvested current contact info but not imported.
Activities will increase gradually to include:
Collecting, importing, and updating contact information for anyone that has expressed interest in collaborating with the Giveth Galaxy
Reviewing data for defining taxonomy and categorization of interest areas for ease of use and information management
Creating, documenting and publishing protocols and procedures for effective use and maintenance of the system
Communicating with Giveth contacts for permissions and preferences, needs and offers, and tracking/updating/sharing this information
Concluding here with a bit of my Soul expression. Giveth, all the unicorns capital and small, the mission to build the Future of Giving and positively impact the Blockchain for Good movement, have become integral to my own purpose in life at this time. I believe that the decentralized web is essential to transforming our social and professional interactions and that the distributed ledger technology will lead to massive progress in restoring trust, integrity, value, and more equitable access to resources for all, in time.
Every movement, business, organization, community and individual has the opportunity to benefit from the appropriate application of these technologies when we stay true to what is socially just in our everyday exchanges. Facilitating the connections of people toward collaboration on the development, improvement and adoption of transparent, accountable recording of transactions brings me and joy and stokes my inner fire so I can be a light of inspiration and encouragement in the world.
Cultivating insights to the various circles of Giveth through this diversity of Roles allows my Soul to really see the big picture and contribute to something meaningful that not only supports me in this life’s work but guides the whole system design with respect for the natural world woven into our co-creation and collective use of technological tools.
I do intend to establish an appropriate value for my work and receive it in the future! For now, I am happy to accept any fraction of that as a gift with regularity.
I'm asking for about a quarter of what my skills and experience are worth "on the market", and sticking with magical numbers:
Requesting: $523 / week
Being supported by Giveth to continue doing this work with you for the world feels fantastic, thank you!

Poll Created Sun 31 Mar 2019 8:16PM
Reward Dani for Giving to Giveth Closed Thu 4 Apr 2019 8:01PM
Give Dani a Regular Reward of 700 DAI per week to cover her basic needs. This allows her to continue fulfilling Roles and Soul much more with full heart presence, physical participation, AND... peace of mind.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 85.7% | 6 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 14.3% | 1 |
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 39 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
7 of 46 people have participated (15%)
Josh Fairhead
Mon 1 Apr 2019 5:16PM
I'm pro feeding and housing Dani 100% - great team member and love working with her. However I have to remain consistent and continue to question our non-circular economy. We are failing at the provisioning side of the equation, which to me feels unbalanced and should be prioritised. My preference would be that we band together to generate positive sum outputs that can be monetised in order to sustain the scaled organism (note: I'm also concerned about my finances).

Kris is
Tue 2 Apr 2019 2:10PM
Also worried like Josh for making our system more sustainable (feel guilty every time I make a Milestone and that is not okay) but solutions often come to us, I trust Griff will say stop when it becomes unsustainable for him, so actually to me the decision is up to our main Giver right now (very much not decentralized, yup). But if I have a say in it I vote 100% yes bcs Dani is to me one of our most valuable people who brings loads to the Galaxy.
Thu 4 Apr 2019 12:50PM
Piggybacking on what Josh and Kris said, I think that this is something I can only give my input on this, because the the decision if Dani should get a reg-reward is a clear yes. However the real practice of paying her on time is unrealistic because our backlog in paying reg-rewards to people is filled to the brim already.

Griff Green
Thu 4 Apr 2019 2:56PM
I would prefer 700 a week and then you could just start donating the entire 600 for unicorn dac

Thu 4 Apr 2019 4:52PM
Voting for myself with the amended proposal!

Dani Thu 4 Apr 2019 4:49PM
Per discussion on community meeting, I've modified the amount to 700 DAI as the standard and maximum allowable, with understanding that I can create the Milestones for lower magical amounts.
Also to reiterate what has been expressed regarding the backlog through Unicorn DAC, this will allow me to give more of the weekly 600 allocation while also creating funding pathways for my Regular Rewards through the DApp Development Campaign.
Loie · Thu 4 Apr 2019 3:52PM
super mega into this... and hearing more about 523 🔮