Tue 7 Jun 2022 12:52PM

workers.coop Website Thread

SBH Simon Ball (Blake House) Public Seen by 166

Starting a thread to develop the worker.coop website and branding. If you're interested in participating, drop a message in this thread.


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Fri 10 Jun 2022 7:09PM

Yes I've been aware of Decidim for a while but it hadn't occurred to me that we could use it for this project, I think it's a really good idea and I'd be on for setting it up on a server so we could have a play with it and see if it could work for this project.


freescholar Thu 9 Jun 2022 6:53PM

Have you seen this -

We have an instance set up for people to play with if you would like to take a look let me know!

In Solidarity,

Micky Metts
Agaric ~ FreeScholar
https://agaric.coop - We are your Cooperative Tech Ally.


John Atherton Thu 9 Jun 2022 9:50AM

Probably, Solidfund and the new federal are technically different projects, and will have different memberships. In the future we may want a conversaton about how they work together or even consolidate but at this point its better to keep them seperate.

Loomio is great for simple discussion, proposal and voting which works well for SF but we expect there to be a much deeper level of organising and delivery by a larger goup of people and we are not sure Loomio is the best place to do that.


Philip Coulthard Thu 9 Jun 2022 9:44AM

Does all of this reorganization mean you will no longer use Loomio? Its been such a good resource.


John Atherton Wed 8 Jun 2022 10:15AM

good question Graham, the two medium term more complex requirements are:

  • Integration with a decent CRM/membership processing platform for Direct Debits etc

  • Integration with a resources library and online learning environment.

Both of which are probably well served by Wordpress, given there will be a lot of voluntary effort from a lot of different people the key requirement above all else is a familar and easy as possible to use platform, which I believe wordpress is?


Good question, It might well not be, however I believe it is an adequate answer for the next 10 days at least, as it meets these requirements:

it would be useful to have up soon, in time for Congress on the 17th June is just a basic landing page so if people go to workers.coop there is a basic message (I can provide of give direct access and I'll write something) even better if we can a simple email sign-up form to be kept informed?

It just urgently needs a theme, a logo and some text!

Lots of people have admin accounts and I have added a newsletter signup form, I picked WordPress as it is the most popular open source CMS and I therefore expect that more people involved have experience of using it than any other system.


Graham Wed 8 Jun 2022 9:06AM

Just a very quick thought before people plough into this. Has any consideration been given to the business processes that the website will need to support? Is Wordpress actually the optimal platform?


John Atherton Tue 7 Jun 2022 5:52PM

I’m interested! I’ve thrown some ideas into the mobilising circle doc, need to think through what the main user journeys are? Or at least where we start? main ones at the moment i assume are general awareness raising about the new federal? driving people to sign-up to the email list? Driving people to get involved in the circles.


Sarah Tucker Tue 7 Jun 2022 5:01PM

I'm interested!


Simon Ball (Blake House) Tue 7 Jun 2022 2:57PM


I've made a thread over on the workers.coop forum where we can post technical ideas about how to develop the site, and discuss distributing the work, timelines etc.

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