Thu 2 Aug 2018 6:21PM
separate annotations for CoC terms

I think we should have a separate annotated version of the CoC where we add explanations and even recognize unanswered questions. That would allow anyone reading (or interpreting when enforcing) to see extra nuance. That place could contain some extra lists or further clarification of our values.
This way, we can keep the CoC itself as short as possible (maximize readership) but have the annotated details for any concerns and questions.

Jake Beamish Thu 2 Aug 2018 7:13PM
I like the sound of this – as footnotes maybe, or an appendix
Gil Scott Fitzgerald Fri 3 Aug 2018 12:53AM
I like it too
Matt Noyes · Thu 2 Aug 2018 6:34PM
That could be a good way to connect the CoC (short) with the Living CoC doc (longer).