Tue 12 Feb 2019 8:43PM
Feature request: link previews
Matthew Bartlett
Seen by 78
In my groups, I often find I and others want to share items of interest from the web — articles, news stories, blog posts etc. I do this to help build the sense of our group-ness, talking together, learning together. From experience with Facebook and Twitter, we've all gotten used to seeing an attractive representation of the content beyond the link. Seeing a link in a Loomio discussion, no matter how exciting the target, is a bit of a dry experience. Sometimes I put the effort of screenshotting & using markdown to make it appealing, but that is quite a lot of work.
Matthew Bartlett Wed 13 Feb 2019 5:20PM
Thank you :)
Robert Guthrie Thu 22 Apr 2021 1:33AM
Link previews go live today!
Robert Guthrie · Tue 12 Feb 2019 10:15PM
Thanks, we'll add this after wysiwyg is in in the new client.