Fri 26 May 2023 8:48AM

Finalising Governance Model v2

J Johnny Public Seen by 7

There has been a full review of the governance model with some amendments and some areas expanded, including the process of how a new governance team will be elected.

It was noted after a previous poll that the dates did not line up so that current governance team members would be in place for one year. The document in this thread includes the addendum with the amended dates.


Poll Created Fri 26 May 2023 8:51AM

Finalising Governance Model v2 Closed Fri 2 Jun 2023 10:00AM

by Johnny Fri 9 Jun 2023 9:15AM

Version 2 of the governance model now accepted and to be used going forward.

Please double check the document attached with amended dates and cast vote to approve document or not.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 J LS JV D
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 B

4 of 5 people have participated (80%)