What yould you like to see on the website openappecosystem.cc ?
Can you send me text or illustrations you would like to put on the website ?
I think about :
- https://github.com/django-rea/rea-app/wiki
- https://github.com/open-app/core
- https://www.loomio.org/d/Vvycj7Ib/general-presentation-of-the-loomio-s-group
Oli SB Mon 14 Aug 2017 6:21PM
I've reach out and asked him if we can use it in the re-launch of the CTA :)
Greg Cassel Fri 11 Aug 2017 5:17PM
I appreciate & mostly agree with that perspective on previous CTA discussions, @lynnfoster .
I can't recommend to any group software that isn't flat out open source forever, and if hosted, open data.
--I too desire to adopt those standards.
Marc Farré Thu 31 May 2018 6:57AM
Hi, openappecosystem.cc will expire in 2 month. As we don't use it, I wont renew it. If somebody whant's it, I can transfert the property before expiration.
Z. Blace Thu 31 May 2018 8:20AM
If there is not much cost involved it would be bad to drop it even if it is still not used...
(will likely be cyber squatted)
...what is the cost of annual renewal?
Marc Farré Fri 1 Jun 2018 6:31AM
It's 9,80 € /year
Marc Farré Thu 5 Jul 2018 5:09PM
Is somebody interrested to take it before it goes back in the public domain (en of this month) ?
Lynn Foster Thu 5 Jul 2018 6:34PM
I guess I don't feel really ready for maintaining a web site personally, or as a group. But can we save the work you all did on it for later? I really appreciate your efforts @funkycram !
On the other hand, if people think it is important to keep the domain, I'll kick in the cash for a year if it will work to transfer US Dollars.
Most of our current work is towards an OAE, we haven't given up on the idea at all!
Marc Farré Thu 5 Jul 2018 7:53PM
Thanks @lynnfoster ! If you want I can keep the website on my server for free for one year and you buy the domain. In that case, I can transfert the domain to your registar. If you don't have any registar, you can create an account in this one : https://www.bookmyname.com/?wl=en and give me the name of your account.
Lynn Foster Thu 5 Jul 2018 9:07PM
@funkycram Let's switch to email for the details.... I'm at [email protected].
Lynn Foster Mon 9 Jul 2018 11:59AM
I had problems transferring the domain, spent too much time on it already. So I'm not going to manage to take over that. If anyone else wants to do it, that's good! But I think it is OK to let it go too, our ongoing work does not depend on the identity created in a website. At least not right now.
Greg Cassel · Mon 14 Aug 2017 5:37PM
I like the visual seal itself a lot. I think that was mostly Ishan Shapiro's work, although I provided some details (and others may also have done so.)
I wouldn't want to try using that seal anywhere without Ishan Shapiro's written permission.