An Educational Platform of Chi Hack Night

Greetings Everyone,
I have had an idea about an educational platform under Chi Hack Night. We have discussed it at leadership Council too. I'm providing a concept for those who missed the chance to attend LC.
A short summary of my experience:
- I have founded two training centers: Nx academy ( in Georgia and Reforms Academy in Ukraine ( Both are very successful IT, leadership and management schools. My training centers are based on dynamic learning and problem-based learning methodologies. Usually, we have 1 or 2-month programs with dozens of trainers and speakers. Students visit companies and corporations to see the working process and receive a short lecture about the relevant topic from top managers, executives, and founders.
What's my idea?
- To launch an educational platform under Chi Hack Night. Let's say for example Chi Night Academy, Chi Civic Tech Academy or Chi Hack School (brainstorming about the name is needed) based on dynamic learning and PBL. All lectures are after working time and usually twice a week.
What do we need?
- Lecturers and people with expertise in the relevant topic of the program to dedicate just 1 hour to read the lecture. Speakers and managers from companies who will host students, show the workplace and dedicate max 1 hour to read a lecture. Managers and volunteers for the project to create a curriculum and the program. Maybe a website, a space for courses (once a week) and a bunch of enthusiasm.
What should we teach?
- Civic technologies! Everything that is needed for the creation of awesome civic apps. Starting from coding ending with blockchain. Maybe offering a full civic tech leadership program?
What will our students get?
- Knowledge, an awesome experience, real contacts and a nice certificate or diploma in civic tech leadership.
Should we pay to the lecturers and speakers?
- Of course no!
Should we charge students?
- We can offer the program for free or we can also charge them. We need to discuss it. Personally me, I don't look at the idea as a commercial project. The purpose is just to strengthen the civic tech community and Chi Hack Night.
But wait it can earn a good money right?
- Yes, if managed good and having a marketing strategy with a little investment money for the Facebook ads!
Let's discuss and brainstorm the idea.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Givi (George)

Givi Chikovani Sat 3 Dec 2016 8:47PM
Woohoo, here comes the answer after 22 days :) I thought that nobody uses loomio anymore :) Better late than never!
Existing ad-hoc learning groups are not systematic, no rewards, nobody gives certificates or diplomas for attending those meetings, there are no curriculums. Those learning groups are great but just for networking and sharing ideas. It's not for the purpose of getting real knowledge. Learning group meetings don't have any continuation. They are just one-time meetups. To make a long story short - learning groups don't have any program.
Right now, there are 6-7 very motivated lecturers around me who can dedicate their one hour for the exciting program which will bring new civic tech leaders to life. It will be super interesting for both sides, will be fun and will give a lot of publicity to lecturers. (social media, photos, videos, and feedbacks) I absolutely agree on your point of view regarding teaching time but take into consideration that the course(s) will be two-three month long and most lectures are planned ahead. We can run the program lets say 1 or 2 times annually and afterward increase the frequency.
I don't think that we have to pay for anyone. At least for the beginning. I can run the administrative side without expenses. If there are any unexpected additional costs I'm pretty sure that the program itself will be able to cover them.
What are the motivating factors for the lecturers? - What are the motivating factors for speakers of Chi Hack Night? It's publicity, social media activity, photos, videos, feedbacks, contacts, potential partners and collaborators, synergy.
Where is the start? - Civic Tech Leadership Program - COMBINING TECHNOLOGY AND DEMOCRACY!
Derek Eder · Fri 11 Nov 2016 6:14PM
@givichikovani thanks for sharing this idea.
I'm open to the idea, but have a few concerns & questions:
Would be curious to hear others weigh in on this as well.