Fri 6 Nov 2020 9:53AM
[Solved] Grey boxes = unable to read last posts on long thread. Any hint?
Seen by 77
example : a grey box instead of the contents of the post. And if I reverse the order or view it through another web brower = same problem
Xavi Sat 7 Nov 2020 5:24PM
I see this is an issue mentionned in May by @John Gieryn . Was it fixed? Should I move this thread to "Bugs and issues"? Thanks for your help!
Robert Guthrie Sat 7 Nov 2020 6:58PM
Hi @Xavi send me the link - in a direct thread (wow!) - and I'll debug it this week.
Elisabeth et Xavier Mon 25 Jan 2021 5:53PM
@Rob Guthrie modified this on a new software update. If you are using an older version on your server, the only way I found to deal with that is to use a dark theme on my webbrowser when watching a loomio based site.
Xavi · Fri 6 Nov 2020 5:31PM
It is so, even on other web browsers or when I put the posts in reverse order.