systemic demands-campaign strategy

Maybe there's no reply from the DAWG for the same reason that it is impossible for me to get on it....
SECONDLY, this is an MSc kinda level essay, & that makes it hard to grasp all the different ideas in it
Could you PLEASE summarise it in 260 words?
Thank you for the 12 Basic Guidelines xx
Andria E-M MSc! Most importantly, Millie's Mum
don't expect everyone to agree with all the points raised here. I am just looking for some feedback. I posted this on the DAWG list and received no reply. I spent quite some time working on it:-
Dear All
Based on proposals put forward by Ben Kidd and skype discussions on demands the last two weeks I have created a quick overview campaign proposal for Occupy Democracy. I have also knocked together how I think our front communication could look like with more condensed info, a call to action and evidence of demands separated into system changing and policy changing.
Please see these 12 Basic Guidelines from the book, How to Win Campaigns by Chris Rose.
What do we want to achieve? “Our mission is to campaign for a genuine democracy free from corporate influence. Our demand is for real democracy now! Sovereignty must rest with the people and not with Parliament.”
Tracing back from that mission, how can we get there?
What and who are the barriers to this? Where is conflict, the battle front? What and who are we campaigning against? What is the narrowest focus issue on the widest systemic injustice that is 99% unacceptable to widest audience possible? Has OUR VOTE, our democratic sovereignty been taken over by autocratic multi-national corporations?
Who are our initial target audience? To say “people” is not specific enough. Who are they and how do we reach them?
How might our target audience feel? Might they feel like most other Occupiers…Frustrated? Scared? Angry? Depressed? Like they are busting with good ideas with nowhere to have them acted on? Informed but in the minority? Surrounded by trashy media which peddles one sided lies and hate?
How can we give our target audience the tools to directly lever the existing power base, or for our target audience to assume power to make democracy work as it should thus making the old power bases obsolete?
• Independent or Guardian readers?
• Followers of Russell Brand? Politicians?
• Followers of Social and political commentators?
• Students?
• Members of disparate justice campaigns?
• The angry but not yet active?
What are our objectives and sub-objectives?
As proposed by Ben, by mutually endorsing campaigns that support our demands we can encourage the support of their supporters. We can further empower them by bringing them together for interconnected solutions to interconnected problems. This seems obvious to most people who say “why don’t they just join forces,” but not so obvious perhaps to those already in their favourite organisation.
I suggest we concentrate our style of communication along the lines of Russell Brand. Hard hitting, repeated use of the word “systemic” and steeped in irony.
In my understanding it is best not be on exactly the same page as our target audience. To be inspiring we need to be half a step ahead, half a step challenging our target audience to follow something new to them.
We need motivation, not education. How do we frame our call to action to appeal to our target audience in images? (David and Goliath themes against the totally unacceptable, injustice, corruption, negligence are best). Occupy Democracy GA in front of Parliament is perfect.
Here is how I would pitch what we do:
Occupy Democracy!
Because multi-national corporations already have… and stolen your vote.
(a cartoon image here would be great, of a fat suited cat steeling a ballot box)
Join us monthly. Parliament Square, until we have reclaimed democracy.
Are you bursting with brilliant practical ideas but feel angry and frustrated they don’t see the light of day? Do you want to know what real democracy looks and feels like? Do you want to show politicians how it’s done? Do you want to feel inspired, to make your presence felt, to have your opinion counted, to set the media agenda and to use your power to drive the creation of real democracy free from the influence of multi-national corporations? Then come and join us!
“Occupy Democracy is like a release valve for me. I love it. We are making history.” Barnaby Flynn (or whoever)
“If we change what is wrong with the system then we can solve the problems we experience every day.” Muriel Toplegate (for example)
“Systemic” (Oxford Dictionary) Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part: e.g. “the disease is localized rather than systemic.
Our demands
National Systemic demands:
• Reform of Party funding & lobbying and ensure full transparency (which campaigns support this?)
• Reform and Democratise the City of London Corporation and end the role of Rembrancer (which campaigns support this?)
• Introduce Proportional Representation (which campaigns support this?)
• Close the “revolving door” between government and corporations
• Oppose corporate secondment (don’t know what this is?)
• On entering the Houses of Parliament members must divest themselves of all financial interests and this must be subject to credible oversight
• Major democratic reform of the media in order to break the stranglehold of the media by vested interests
• Hold a citizen-led Constitutional Convention for real democracy which must recognise that a Constitution is a living document.
• Take the power of money creation out of private hands
• New Green Deal including One Million Climate Jobs
• Don’t waste £100 billion on renewing Trident
Global systemic demands
• Support the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
• No TTIP CETA & TISA trade deals (which campaigns support this?)
• A global decarbonisation programme for fossil fuels and an emergency transition to a truly sustainable energy system in line with the increasingly urgent climate science.
• Close down Tax Havens
• (I propose – international synchronised cooperation to regulate multi-national corporations to become socially and environmentally responsible.)
Policy demands:
• Right of Recall of MPs (which campaigns support this?)
• MPs not to have second jobs
• No Privatisation of the NHS
• Abolish Tuition Fees
• Living Wage for All
• Universal Basic Income
• No to privatisation of all public services, including but not limited to schools, police, public transport and public spaces
• Reverse Privatisation of Public Spaces
• Programme of Green Social Housing
• Reintroduce rent controls
• Use the one and a half million empty buildings in the UK for homes and projects to solve the housing crisis
• Amend the LASPO Act 2012 to decriminalise the squatting of unused residential buildings
• Stop subsidising and promoting the arms trade (currently £700m/year) including shutting DSO
• Cancel unjust debt to free countries from debt slavery
• Invest in renewable energy and ban the production and import of all unsustainable, dangerous & extreme energy including Fracking, Coal Bed Methane, Tar Sands, Arctic Oil extraction and Industrial Biomass.