Evictions / Banning Process
Discuss evictions/bans process for first Celtic Burn on Celtic Burn | Trello
Following zoom call organised on Trello card we have come up with the following approach to this topic we seek your advice on. Thread will be closed Tuesday 12th April.
For this year's event we propose the following (with respect to The RACI Model | RACI Charts):
On site incidents & accusations to be reported to SASS and handled by Helm and the Welfare team
The current on-shift persons within SASS are responsible and accountable to make the decision whether or not to evict someone from the event, with a minimum of two people making that decision:
Notably Helm / Site Lead and Welfare Lead as the elected / trained and volunteered sober and responsible persons
with the buddy of the person, the 2nd Welfare person on shift and board members / insurance team / experienced members Consulted if available, given more people to decide is much preferred to 2 alone.
with the rest of SASS Informed as shifts handover
The responsibility and accountability moves from person to person as the shifts change, thus not any one person from SASS is ultimately accountable over the entire event in our decentralised structure, plus they are here to enjoy themselves and not be on shift for 5 days!
In the unlikely eventuality of consideration for a permanent ban for a member then the Responsibility and Accountability will lay with Northern Regional Ltd Board, with members optionally being Consulted by Board prior to decision and members Informed post decision
For transparency this AP will be referenced and communicated out via Loomio notifications and the Thrival Guide (as guidance in relation to respecting the site and consent culture)
Note at the time of writing this AP we have already received feedback to approach this process differently via tonight's zoom meeting and have asked members to share their advisory comments in the Loomio post below

Allan Wed 6 Apr 2022 9:48AM
Adding my tuppence worth. In relation to the SASS decision to evict being made "with the buddy of the person, the 2nd Welfare person on shift and board members / insurance team / experienced members Consulted if available, given more people to decide is much preferred to 2 alone."
I don't know that the insurance team can add anything of relevance to this decision. As far as insurance cover and the policy we have in force goes the actual eviction process doesn't matter much. Policies would respond to physical injury to individuals or damage to property. Once that's happened how we deal with it (eviction/banning process) doesn't matter much from an insurance perspective.
There is a duty to "take all practicable steps to prevent and minimise accidents, loss, Injury and Damage", but we're doing that (in part) by having the policy for how we respond to such incidents.
Return of membership fee to person evicted would not be claimable back from insurance.
There would be an issue if we caused injury or damage, say by physically and forcefully evicting someone from site after they'd caused an eviction-worthy incident. I would hope it didn't get to that, but if it got to that stage I expect it'd probably involve the police and it'd clearly be a complex situation with no easy answers. In that case it may be that the person injured in process of eviction chooses not to bring an insurance claim in any case (as their actions likely wouldn't be wholly blame free).
If I've missed any particular concerns you had regarding insurance situation please let me know and I'll address them.

Sam B Wed 6 Apr 2022 10:11PM
I think there needs to be a team of people involved in any eviction, I think this is way too much responsibility for helm and welfare to take on.
John Fryer Tue 12 Apr 2022 9:55PM
Comments noted, if in the event something happens this weekend we'll seek advice as wide as possible and look to sure up this process clearer for next year. Closing thread but leave Trello in active tasks column.
Sam Lee · Tue 5 Apr 2022 8:46PM
Here are some initial thoughts, not fully formed but I'll share here as a start:
Text clarity:
State at top if AP
Initially can we state the responsible roles on site (Helm is X, SASS is Y).
Can we have a clearer hierachy of escelation/ consultation (refering to the words "notaby" and "Consulted if available")
Do we mention civic responsibility and local authorities?
I wonder if there could be an even more decentralised method of this e.g. culture of care 1st, conflict resolution 2nd, Temp burn community council 3rd (... sounds a bit witch hunty after i've typed it out...).
In regards to number 3, I feel uncomftorable with the word "permenant". Also with the concept. I think the accounability should remain within the community. Again, something like a conflict resolution paird with temp community council "temp conflict council". I may be wrong but this does not seem like a board responsibility.