Thu 31 Oct 2019 2:29AM

Join a live conversation on better decision making (getting those clear outcomes) Nov. 5th

JG john gieryn Public Seen by 153

Learning how to make better decisions, create more engagement and have fewer, more effective meetings is a challenge for many organizations. Practical stories can help:

Join us, live, as Mary O'Keefe (Enspiral, Loomio, Hatchling Consulting) and I (Loomio's Group Success coordinator) talk about the different ways in which groups agree and deliver clear, shared outcomes.

Limited space, register here.

When: Tuesday, 5th November, 8pm–8:30 CET / 2pm–2:30 ET (Wednesday the 6th at 8am NZT)

Where: Zoom conference, register here for the link.