Possibility to migrate from Github to Gitorious
Well, we all know that Diaspora* was born as a response against the massive surveillance in web services specially in the USA, so there's no doubt we support the Free Software philosophy and we defend it.
I think it's ironic that the Diaspora* source code is hosted on Github, a propietary and closed source service located in the USA.
There's a lot of GIT services that are Free Software and offer a free hosted service, such as Gitorious and Gitlab.
Gitorious is located in Norway, so there's less control from the USA government and it's less vulnerable to the censorship. Github is a big focus for censorship due to its popularity. Recently the repositories from Popcorn Time (Github) were deleted because of the TPP, ACTA and MPAA. The same happened to the repositories related to third-party WhatsApp apps e.g. the Whatsapp Pidgin plugin.
The proposal is that the Diaspora* Foundation to change its official repo from Github to a Free alternative such as Gitorious or Gitlab.
I think that if we use and support a Free Software solution is better that continue feeding a non-free and non-ethical alternative, isn't it?

Dennis Schubert Tue 15 Jul 2014 1:21AM
This is not related to our project site diasproafoundation.org and should be posted to https://www.loomio.org/g/pPI9Fwo0/diaspora-community-github-organization-governance ... :)
Eduardo Tue 15 Jul 2014 2:13AM
@dennisschubert I'm not able to post there

Dennis Schubert Tue 15 Jul 2014 2:16AM
Now you are.
Eduardo Tue 15 Jul 2014 2:19AM
Thanks, now posted here: https://www.loomio.org/d/rM2yBfOw/possibility-to-migrate-from-github-to-gitorious
Eduardo Tue 15 Jul 2014 2:29AM
Please delete this proposal, it was reposted in another section.

Juan Santiago Tue 15 Jul 2014 3:31AM
Wow, I can not comment on that group but I agree proposal
I,m seems consistent to use only free software and services in countries neutral as possible.

Jason Robinson Tue 15 Jul 2014 7:00AM
@dennisschubert no, that group is for GitHub organization members only. So that discussion has to be somewhere else. Sorry @eduardo4 - we need to move it away, Dennis should not have given rights to that subgroup, it is read only for those who are not GitHub repo admins.

Jason Robinson Tue 15 Jul 2014 7:02AM
@eduardo4 @juansantiago please continue discussion here for example, not the github group.

Jonne Haß Tue 15 Jul 2014 7:22AM
Someone with coordinator rights here, please move this discussion to Governance or the root group.
Eduardo · Tue 15 Jul 2014 1:19AM
I personally prefer Gitlab.org, it has more features than Gitorious and is Free/Libre.