Admin budget
Do we have one? Can it be shared? Who approves it? Can we co create it? Who reviews it? How often? What does it cover?
Deleted User Tue 1 May 2018 8:58AM
From the Tues 1st May: Kerry to request copy to share with Jedi
Jason Emmins Tue 8 May 2018 3:26AM
Hi @kerry63 did we get a draft admin budget?
Deleted User Wed 9 May 2018 3:21AM
There is one that will be circulated soon.
Lisa Zulfiqar Tue 8 May 2018 5:04AM
Not going to be able to make it again today...
Deleted User Wed 9 May 2018 3:22AM
As part of the conversation last night there was some curiosity around this Jedi co creating a process for the admin budget. I can start something on a google doc and post it here (soon).
Deleted User Thu 10 May 2018 8:48PM
Have found a great resource of sample policies and processes for not for profits that we can use as a starting block for developing process around some of these things. The source can be found here:
I have started a draft document around developing and reviewing a Jeder Admin budget based on one of their templates. Our work now is to change the colour of this doc from orange /red to tealish. Please contribute:
Deleted User Thu 10 May 2018 8:56PM
There was mention in this week's zoom of this membership doc that outlines what the 15% contribution covers.

Michaela Kennedy Sat 12 May 2018 6:28PM
I have done a little work on the policy / process to try to make it a bit more next stage. Have you all seen the first draft of the admin budget. I think it is in an email. Should it be posted here? There are some things that haven't been included e.g. NDIS registration audit, I think this will be an annual audit. We can estimate it on last years costs but we won't know for sure until the new registration rules come out and will come into affect in July 2018.
Deleted User Sun 13 May 2018 8:27AM
I think it would be great to include the budget in its draft form here. For me this is part of true transparency, being open even when you know things are not quite right yet.
Deleted User · Mon 30 Apr 2018 7:28PM
There is a draft admin budget up for review by the Board at the moment.