Course "Keys to the Mondragon Cooperative Experience"

Hi everyone!
You can find here a training opportunity hosted by one of our members, Mondragon University.
Also Spanish translation will follow.
Courses for Professionals
An online course in English that will give you a detailed introduction to one of the most advanced cooperative ecosystems in the world: the Mondragon Cooperative Experience… a social-business project that brings together 70,000 people in 81 cooperative companies across diverse sectors, a cooperative university and a dozen R&D centers.
Dates: 19/02/2024 - 22/03/2024.
Duration: 75 hours.
Identify the key elements of the Mondragon Cooperative Experience and understand what might set it apart from others.
Offer an opportunity to participate in a guided, “up close” experience of Mondragon following the course, to see a variety of Mondragon co-ops and other institutions and discuss them with experienced co-op members over several days.
Financial Assistance Options:
Five scholarships will be offered to fund students interested in taking the course. These will be offered within the framework of the UNESCO Chair of Social and Solidarity Economy.
Formación para profesionales
Un curso online en el que te formarás y conocerás de cerca uno de los ecosistemas cooperativos más punteros del mundo: la Experiencia Cooperativa de Mondragon. Un proyecto socioempresarial que agrupa a más de 70.000 personas en torno a 81 cooperativas, una universidad y 12 centros de i+D.
Calendario: 19/02/2024 - 22/03/2024.
Duración: 75 horas.
Dar a conocer las características diferenciadoras de la Experiencia Cooperativa de Mondragon.
Ofrecer la experiencia de vivir de cerca el cooperativismo de Mondragon, llevando a cabo diversas actividades con las y los agentes cooperativos.
Vías de Financiación:
Este curso contará con un total de 5 becas financiadas en el marco de la Cátedra UNESCO de Economía Social y Solidaria para miembros de la red de cátedras UNESCO.