TIMELINE + outline membership process, spaces, dreams and art

AP Complete*, 9th Nov, SamL
The proposal below has been updated, and shall here forth be know as 'The Timeline'**.
*AP still open to date and concept ideas, feel free to keep adding in comments below.
** Timeline subject to change based on people doing stuff or doing other stuff.
This AP sets forth to propose a timeline for Celtic Burn 2024, especially for membership and dream process. The main aim is to facilitate participation and access. The dates can be changed as we go but this is a rough template to get us going.
The last two years we’ve tried sales at different times, in different formats, asking for different amounts and distributing it in different ways. It can also be a lot for a few people to manage and loads of people can get lost in the cracks. I think Trello has worked really well and I'd like to let the working groups formed take care of their own processes e.g. dreams, spaces, kitchen etc.
The Proposal
Important parameters are:
0. Now, right now,
10. 22nd of April- Celtic Burn begins.
Everything else in between is just nice to have things.
What could happen in the meantime?
November 1st - Create 'Reception Creatures'. Working group of 6 creatures that cover all things membership and direct member coms (answering membership emails). This is to really clear up the "on ramp" and fast track access, also they get a good overview of our members. I'll set it out in a Trello card and whoever joins can help shape the process.
22th Nov- membership sale.
22th Nov- Write and put out a Call for Art. This is to get more art than last year by hyping up art and providing more guidance on how to achieve/bring it [Can be this date or whichever date the CFA person decides]
15th Jan - Rally around the flags - Meeting for all members to form working groups and collectives around dreams, concepts, spaces, projects.
Space Adoption proposals to be submitted before 22nd Jan. Spaces Allocation council (made up of the proposers) gets together, discuss, decides, and allocates the spaces among the proposing teams. Decisions announced on 23rd Jan.
23th Jan - Dream platform open.
22nd Feb - This is the deadline to submit Dreams to the dreams platform.
22nd Feb - Distribute dream budget. Dream team (open to all) meets to distribute the budget on the dreams platform.
22nd Mar - The 'make your own membership bracelet online macrame zoom jam extravaganza'.
Advice Sought
Are there things you want to bring into the mix of this timeline?
What are your suggestions for dates for all steps?
Advice on any of the processes above.
Conclusion & Timing for this AP
I’d like to launch the 'Reception Creatures' now alongside this AP and work on the scope of that working group together. 22th Nov- membership sale. So summing this up 8th Nov, so we can advertise membership sales with 2 weeks notice.

fox of light Wed 1 Nov 2023 1:17PM
I would personally really love if we could somewhat constrain the definition of what costitutes art (similarly to how we do at Nohwere) to what is more "normally" considered "art" - e.g. sculptures, installations, artomobiles, paintings, innovation projects, etc. - With other creative endeavours - e.g. decorations, workshops, musical performances, etc. - (whether they seek funding or not), residing under the more general "dreams" term... If only to help to disambiguate in future discussions?
Emily H Thu 2 Nov 2023 7:07PM
Like the call for art, would be good to know a bit more about what the reception creatures entail! Potentially an intensive workload so i think need to make sure we have enough people who are up for it / scale up or down based on capacity?
For anyone reading who is unaware here is the link to the dreams platform - collective funding process for art and other creative endeavours, previously including theme camps also. https://northern-regional.dreams.wtf/northern-regional/celts-dreams-2023/about (every member is allocated an equal share of the funds for any proposed projects and can select how to allocate)
only issue i see is timeline for space allocations - i think it is too early. people are frequently extremely busy at that time of the year + although i imagine we will sell out far more quickly this year we will likely still not sell out for a month or two. i would suggest moving it forward a bit so people have enough time to put together proposals. i think we'll get a greater volume and more creative proposals that way! i suspect you want to time it ahead of the dreams so camps can put in budgets but could still push it back + shorten the decision period - if there is a dedicated team then that distribution can be super quick
Tom Allen Fri 3 Nov 2023 2:15PM
items 7 and 8 probably need more than 24 hours between them! assume this was a mistake?

fox of light Tue 7 Nov 2023 2:05AM
@Tom Allen not a mistake, just poor phrasing-the date on item 7 is a proposed deadline for the dream submissions. Item 8 (Dream budget allocation) may then follow immediately
Tom Allen Fri 3 Nov 2023 2:23PM
i would also suggest that the dates for things after the membership sale are provisional and as Emily said above, might move to ensure we get all the memberships allocated before we start planning. in the unlikely case we don't sell out at all, then we would need to re-evaluate a lot of things anyway. I expect we will find people keen for every one very quickly and instead we will be managing people upset they missed out

fox of light Wed 8 Nov 2023 8:10PM
Spaces adoption process as I understand it (related to timeline points 4-6 in above proposal): https://trello.com/c/5opABi1o
Adele Meower Thu 9 Nov 2023 1:03PM
Helloooo there, Sam & I want to co-facilitate a Burning Mandatory meeting for all ticketholders.
If the spaces need to be adopted by January 22 (i think that's too early tbh) we'll need to have that meeting before then.
I propose Monday January 15 or Wednesday January 17th at 7:30pm for a 1 hour mtg in which we transmit core information re:
Core city infrastructure needs (gate/greeters, welfare, parking, placement, roundhouse deco, effigy, temple, bar? etc)
Spaces available for theme camp adoption
Events using core infrastructure ie roundhouse/speakers
Adele Meower Thu 9 Nov 2023 1:04PM
but the space adoption should be in like mid-Feb no? is Jan too early with the new dates ?

Sam Lee Thu 9 Nov 2023 2:54PM
@Adele Meower yeah, Trello was old optimism. Proposal above says meeting 15th Jan.
I think everyone will have plenty of time to submit space adoption proposals between now and 22nd Jan, especially if someone makes it easy and clear to see and use.
I imagine lots of mixing collaboration will happen from now onwards for collectives spaces etc.
Still think no?
Sandy Ryalls · Wed 1 Nov 2023 12:53PM
When we talk about art, what's the scale, scope and boundaries we're talking about? The term can (and often is) extended to cover many human activities. Given what I've seen and heard from the group I'm kind of expecting the answer to be along the lines of 'whatever anyone wants to bring' from a single postage stamp sized sketch all the way to a fully interactive sculpture park/performance art event, with fire? But still, I like to ask obvious questions to make the implicit explicit.