Fri 19 Feb 2016 2:28PM

Definition of changemaker

AJ Adam Jorlen Public Seen by 420

As the new enkel mission is "to build a new generation of changemakers", we've discussed how to actually define a changemaker. There are so many types of changemakers, and we need to come up with a definition that we can all agree on.

Ashoka, a global organisation that identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs, defines a changemaker as "one who desires change in the world and, by gathering knowledge and resources, makes that change happen."

We thought "positive" should be added in front of change.

Thoughts on this?


Cathy Hall Sat 20 Feb 2016 4:17AM

Agree, with addition of "Positive" :-)


Deleted account Sat 20 Feb 2016 1:21PM

Agree with addition of positive too :)

I would like to also submit a thought.

A changemaker is:

"Someone who helps others and the world around them, in a way that is beautiful and impactful."

To help is to add value and to lift up. If we are making change in a way that is distructive to others and the world around us, whether now, or in the future to come; it is not helpful. This is not our definition of a Changemaker.

Positive Change (or 'beautiful and impactful' in my own definition) for enkel could be defined by our values:

Does it inspire Courage and Creativity? Is it brimming with a Conscience for a healthy ecology and social equality? Does it strengthen our connections to Community, and the people therein?


Jen Lowe Mon 22 Feb 2016 3:24AM

One persons 'positive' is more cars, more roads, more fast food but I think people will still know what we mean by positive. Sounds good to me.


Adam Jorlen Mon 22 Feb 2016 3:29AM

Yeah, there are peoples' underlying values, worldviews and morals in the word positive. But since we have conscience as one of our main values I think it's ok.


Deleted account Mon 22 Feb 2016 4:59AM

Hey all,

I think the lack of content is a bit of a problem - change for or
towards what? What counts as positive change? I think Enkel does
have some specific (though fluid) goals, and we shouldn't leave
words like "changemaker" floating free in buzzword-land.

I think the definition of changemaker should probably hook
directly back into the work Jordan's been doing on the values map
- so defining changemaker in relation to community, conscience,
courage and creativity (with a reference to this doument

Interestingly Ashoka's definition is a very individual-focused one
- worth considering if we want to repeat that language as it seems
a little reflective of the values Enkel wants to depart from and
doesn't really pick up the community value.



Deleted account Mon 22 Feb 2016 11:57AM

I love you Megan!
Yes! I feel much better about being specific in our definition.

Can we agree on a subsequent paragraph that either links back to the values (as Megan mentioned) or includes something like I wrote previously (if we're going with Ashoka):

"Does it inspire Courage and Creativity? Is it brimming with a Conscience for a healthy ecology and social equality? Does it strengthen our connections to Community, and the people therein?"


Deleted User Tue 23 Feb 2016 3:29AM

Originally I was going to disagree. I don't like to over complicate or over "word" things. But after reading comments I tend to agree with Jordan. Lets add a proper paragraph and really flesh out the Changemaker we want to encourage.


Deleted account Tue 23 Feb 2016 8:33AM

Yeah fair enough - simple is good. My
concern is mostly that leaving things unspecified means there's
nothing that stops "changemaker" from being linked to, say, an
aggressively neoliberal agenda (lots of change involved here) - or
being hijacked in the future. You know, when Enkel is a
50-year-old institution and in danger of forgetting its original
values. :-)


Deleted User Tue 23 Feb 2016 8:37AM

Agreed Megan. I am definitely on board with not just adding "positive" but being more specific about what we consider positive/desirable change to be, linking it to our values and goals.


Nathan Johnston Mon 29 Feb 2016 6:12AM

Taking into account the discussion above I have woven together some of the key values statements for enkel with the changemaker definition and tried to keep it short and snappy. Here is my attempt at the definition for enkel:
"a changemaker is defined as “one who imagines positive, meaningful change in the world and, by gathering knowledge, people and resources, makes that change happen by collaborating with the community with courage and creativity.”

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