Tue 23 Dec 2014 1:53PM
Diaspora* Official apps?
Seen by 414
I know that there is a web app for Diaspora*, but web apps (in my opinion) aren't well optimized for phones and they just aren't that great. What I was thinking, we could come together to develop official Diaspora* apps for iOS and Android. The only issue with this is that pods have their own websites.
Steffen van Bergerem · Fri 19 Aug 2016 7:21PM
@vanitasvitae I doubt that anyone will be able to answer that question. The documentation for the API already has been written but the code is still missing.
You can find the documentation here: https://diaspora.github.io/api-documentation/
Maybe you'd like to give some feedback about that on loomio or on github?