Thu 16 Jun 2016 6:17PM

Welcome to Open Animal Calendar Project

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Hi there

Would you like to help with this project? If so:

Please take a moment to introduce yourself: post a comment in the form below and get involved in the discussion.


Natty Sun 3 Jul 2016 12:03PM

Hello, I'm Natalie. I like animals and the Internet so this seemed like a fun thing to get involved in. Thanks Alex for starting the group!


Alex Stacey Sun 3 Jul 2016 12:15PM

Thanks for joining. You're the first new member. Let's see what happens!


Alex Stacey Sun 3 Jul 2016 12:48PM

Hi, I'm Alex. I started this project as it's something I've been thinking about for a while and I really like the idea of this kind of collaborative project. I really have no idea if it's going to work or if people will think it's stupid, but I guess I'll find out soon enough!


Jemimah Dean Sun 3 Jul 2016 1:28PM

Hey! I'm Jem and I love animals, kids and creating things for fun! This sounds a really interesting project and I like the idea of a collective collaboration with different people and listening to their ideas. I'd like to propose to make some artworks for bear, bug and mouse days. As these are the animals nicknames we've adopted in my family. If anyone wants to join in on these however then I'm happy to join forces!


Andi Craz Sun 3 Jul 2016 3:19PM

Hey. Andi here. I like animals more than people, hope that's not going to be a problem ;)
I'm an artist. Animals have been known to feature in my work. As a teacher I'm always happy to share my skills and ideas :)


Anna Carlson Tue 5 Jul 2016 12:52PM

Hi, I'm Anna, I love animals and getting involved in collaborative projects and this looks like lots of fun. I expect we'll all learn a little more about animals along the way with this as each day prompts us to consider and look into a new animal, so I'm excited about that also. Thanks for the invite!


Smartarse Tattum Tue 5 Jul 2016 6:03PM

Hi I'm Steve and I love evolution. I work in education where some animals get a bad rap, wolves and spiders for example. I also love the chinese Zodiac but I think there are lots of animals that feel left out. I look forward to righting some of these wrongs, and just working with you nice people!


Alex Stacey Wed 6 Jul 2016 4:11PM

Welcome @jemimahdean @andicraz @annacarlson @smartarsetattum !!! It's cool to have a few people here now and already some interesting ideas coming out.

Please feel free to invite selected people who you think might be interested in getting involved.


Rachel Connolly Wed 6 Jul 2016 7:10PM

Hey everyone. I'm Rach! I work in digital marketing, mostly figuring out processes for creative teams. I get a real kick out stuff that most people find boring.... like spreadsheets.....and filing....and processes.
I do however, have a creative side. I love drawing and making cartoons - but I don't really get a chance to do much drawing in my 9to5, so really looking forward to this! Great idea, Alex!!!!