Sat 18 Jul 2020 6:04PM

Proposing LOOMIO for different Wikimedia community groups

ZB Z. Blace Public Seen by 264

I am proposing LOOMIO for different Wikimedia community groups (and hopefully inside of WikiMediaFoundation)... For this to take of there needs to be support of people who are inside of any of the Wikimedia recognized affiliates or have any kind of proximity or interest in engaging with WMF. Process would also need a volunteer to install a test version of Loomio on their test server (I never did this kind of work) to be able to promote it internally. Proposal is here https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258317


Z. Blace Tue 21 Jul 2020 6:31AM

Please let me know if you are interested:
#1 as a topic here? (if not one person is I will just delete it soon)
#2 as possible way to promote Loomio in Wiki universe? (they have tons of smart people)
#3 as person skilled enough to support temporary test instance of LOOMIO for one of the biggest digital commons and its communities and networks online? (this would be just few hours for next 3-4 weeks I guess)


Simon Grant Tue 21 Jul 2020 6:54AM

Yes I think this topic is interesting. Where I would come from is, what technology would support and enhance the different Wikimedia communities, and how? What's missing from their currently used communication tools, and how might Loomio fill that gap? What other alternatives are there which might also fill the same gap, and how would their benefit compare with the benefit from Loomio?

There are several open questions here, which could initially be interesting to research (might any research funding be available?) and answers to which might also be the basis for some valuable consultancy offerings later.


Z. Blace Mon 21 Dec 2020 3:50PM

@Simon Grant I would try to pich it as a small experimental research project of good-governance if I find any people in Wikimedia already interested and experienced (not enough of an insider there to push it just myself).


Robert Guthrie Wed 22 Jul 2020 8:58AM

Hi @Zeljko Blace, thanks for starting the thread. We've, in the past had some usage of Loomio within Wikimedia, that was a number of years ago now.

From a Loomio Coop perspective, we're currently busy working with people who come to us, ready to buy. If we get an enquiry, we'll do our best to help people to use Loomio if they want our help.

Installing Loomio using docker (github repo) on a VPS is relatively straightforward, but volunteering my own time would take away from feature development on Loomio, so it's not a good fit for me, however I do my best to support anyone with questions to get their installs running, as you can see in the Installing Loomio, Loomio group.


Z. Blace Wed 22 Jul 2020 5:25PM

Fair. I will try to do more work on other side. It would help me if you pinpoint contacts of people and projects who were involved in historic uses of Loomio.


Z. Blace Fri 18 Dec 2020 7:37AM

OK - this is not advancing fast :-( I only found out that LOOMIO was not used widely in WMF beyond use by some staff members on loomio.org service...and it is likely not going to change as WMF staff policy is not to do much of self-hosting beyond their own software.


Robert Guthrie Mon 21 Dec 2020 12:55AM

Ok, that's their choice I guess.


Z. Blace Mon 21 Dec 2020 3:52PM

Yes - my focus shifts to finding a group that would consider to pick it up and use internally.