A trapping experience
There is a Tracking and Trap laying exercise taking place on Pickergill Island. Read below about it.
Deleted account Thu 24 Sep 2015 5:49PM
On the 19th and 20th of October, Darren Peters is taking a small team out to Pickersgill Island to establish some Monitoring lines. I am going out with them, and there is room for one or two more. I think this Pickersgill exercise will be a fantastic opportunity to pick up on the latest of trapping procedures, so I do hope someone, from Picton Dawn Chorus, will accompany me out there. Let me know if you are interested.
Gerald Harper Thu 24 Sep 2015 9:20PM
we are away at that time,
I will let you know if there is a change of plan.
Gary Horner Fri 25 Sep 2015 9:39PM
Would normally be interested but away down south that week (Fleetwood Mac concert!)
Siobain Browning Wed 30 Sep 2015 5:19AM
wish I could go but not a chance sadly
Deleted account Wed 30 Sep 2015 8:16PM
On the subject of trapping. Put Monday 12 October in your diary, See the attached. It should be a fascinating talk.
Deleted account Thu 15 Oct 2015 1:50AM
Sadly Rob is going to be away on Monday, so unless someone else wants to join the Pickersgill trip, I will be the only one from Picton. Let me know if you would like to come along.
Gary Horner Thu 15 Oct 2015 8:27PM
I could be interested. Give me a ring on 5736222 to discuss details of trip.
Deleted account · Tue 15 Sep 2015 2:21AM
This trip takes place between 16 November and 20 November.
If you want to learn more or put your name down for all or part of this time, please come back to me.
Below is a copy of the email I have received from Darren Peters
Greetings all,
This note is the draft plan for this job...
This project is a follow on from our Native Island job, we want to test the gear at a wider spacing and with the new auto-baiters. There are ship rats on Pickersgill (and they will continually invade from Arapawa) but no possums – so that’s good that coons aren’t there to mess us around.
If you are keen to help, the Dept will cover all your travel costs and food for the week. We’ll be camping at a camp site on the SW corner of the island, so bring your individual sleeping tents and we’ll organise a tarp and cooker for a communal spot to make our feed at night etc.
Local DOC will get us onto and off the island with their boat and some of the local staff are hopefully going to be able to help if their workplan allows.
Saturday 14th
Make the weather call
Sunday 15th
Get to Wellington/Picton
Monday 16th
Ferry across from Wellington and get down to Pickersgill, set up camp, set tracking tunnels (these will have been placed the previous month)
Tuesday 17th
Cut, mark tracks, and pull in tracking cards
Wednesday 18th
Cut, mark tracks and set A24s
Thursday 19th
Cut, mark tracks and set A24s
Friday 20th
Pull down camp, get to the ferry and back across to Wellington, head home
Please let me know if you’re keen. Bob and Karen please pass on the invite to Nick Kov. If I’ve missed anything let me know also.
Regards Darren
Darren Peters
National Predator Officer, Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, 6011 Wellington. PO Box 10420, 6143 Wellington. New Zealand. P 04 4713256 F 043813057 VPN 8256 C 0274310136 E [email protected]