NLUUG conference May 28th

Talked with one of the organizers at FOSDEM and he sent me this message:
> For the Dutch NLUUG conference on May 28th, I'd like to know whether any 'local' speaker (Dutch/Belgian) would be available who would be willing to give a technical talk about Diaspora, its current state and its progress.
> The NLUUG is originally the Dutch Unix Users Group, an independent non-profit association, which organizes conferences every half year since 1983. We have shifted focus from 'Unix' to open source software and open standards in general.
> We reimburse traveling costs for speakers, and also staying costs for foreign speakers.
The key word here is technical. Do we have anyone up for doing a technical talk relating to diaspora* in Dutch/Flemish?
If you want to or know anyone who might want to, please shout here or send me a message. If no Dutch/Flemish speakers are available, would someone want to do one in English, if that is ok for them?

Jason Robinson Mon 23 Feb 2015 8:59PM
I guess no one stepped up - I will ask the organizers, again, if they want a non-Flemish speaker from us.
goob · Sat 7 Feb 2015 8:15PM
Have just posted a link in D, asking my Dutch contacts to share it with theirs.