Fri 21 Oct 2016 5:22PM

trip is to Hockerton Housing Project

LT Luke Tilley Public Seen by 314

Hey Green Actioners!
We have an opportunity coming up to spend some wonderful time together for a whole weekend very soon!
The trip is to Hockerton Housing Project http://www.hockertonhousingproject.org.uk/ where Luke Tilley had the pleasure of growing up and his parents live. It's a sustainable living community that has been going 20 years, with homes for five families and a few extra people, all off grid with shared energy and water systems.

Five reasons to come!
1. The community has been storing up lots of apples and would love some help pressing them into juice and cider. No doubt there will be plenty for us to drink too, and some to take home.
2. Saturday night will be bonfire night and so weather permitting we can have a warming bonfire together and be cosy and tell stories, sing songs, chat, play music, and lose our thoughts in the glow of the fire
3. We will get to go on a tour of the project, seeing how the houses are built, why the roofs are made of grass, and how they keep toasty warm without any radiators! There are also sheep, chickens, a donkey, pigs, polytunnels etc
4. If we finish the apple pressing or want to do some different jobs, there will be plenty of other tasks to help out with
5. Cooking, working, eating, sleeping and relaxing together is a great way to get to know each other, whether you're new to Green Action or have been involved a long time.

Practical details
There are two options for getting there:
By train, either bringing your bicycle and cycling the last 8 miles, or getting a lift for the last stretch. It would make it much easier for the orchestrating of lifts and navigating by bike, if we all got the same train, but in case you need to come or go at a different time you could book whatever train suits you.
These are the times we propose
Leaving Leeds on Saturday 5th November at 10.05am (arriving 11.00 in Newark North Gate)
Returning from Newark North Gate on Sunday 6th November at 16.26 (arriving into Leeds at 17.30
You can buy them here on http://www.eastcoast.co.uk/ , and if booking a bike, you can do that once you've chosen your train, on the page where you choose a seat etc.

Currently if you book your tickets you could get them for £8.60 to Newark and £15 back to Leeds, or if you have a railcard, enjoy your 33% discount! OR, if you can coordinate with others, groups of 3-9 people get an additional 25% off https://www.virgintrainseastcoast.com/special-offers/travel-savings/savings-for-small-groups/
Remember, ticket prices go up nearer the time, so the sooner you decide the better.

By car: there is at least one car going with room for four people plus a driver (probably Luke). This would be leaving on Saturday morning and going back on Sunday late afternoon at roughly the same time as the trains. Get in touch with Luke Tilley if taking the car would be much easier/ preferable for you. This will require a share of the car cost but will be pay as you feel so if you can't afford a full share, that's ok.
If anyone else has a car and would be up for driving it with people, please let me know...

Some food/ snacks to share and maybe £2-3 to cover cost of communal food
Sleeping bag/ mat if you have one and it's easy. There will probably be some spare ones if you don't have these
Any games/ instruments/ bonfire entertainment
Swimming costume for the lake if you are REALLY BRAVE :-) (don't worry, no expectation here and it probably would be a bit too cold!)

We will probably be sleeping in a hall but if you have any particular needs (e.g. really need a mattress or a private space) this can probably be arranged.

Email me if you are keen to come- let me know if you have any particular needs regarding the trip
Decide whether you would like to travel by train or by car:
-If you would like a place in the car, email luke_tilley@hotmail.co.uk
-If you are going by train, either book your tickets straight away (ideally for the times proposed above), or hold out and let me know that you're coming, and as soon as I've heard from enough people to get a group ticket, I could email you all so you can coordinate buying one together.

xx Joy