Tue 10 Aug 2021 2:17PM

Camera rental scheme

A Alexei Public Seen by 71

I've been reading the camera rental scheme page on the website - it doesn't seem to have any info about how to apply. Is there an address to email or a form I can fill in?


Cj Malone Thu 12 Aug 2021 8:37PM

Email info@osmuk.org and we can sort out the details. That goes for anyone else too, these cameras don't get as much love as they should.


Alexei Mon 16 Aug 2021 11:13AM

Thanks CJ, will do.


Mark Roper Fri 28 Jul 2023 10:04PM

I have the same question - is the camera rental still a thing? I can see Openstreetcam is now Kartaview - Mapillary seem to have better UK coverage?

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