Weird payment taken from new members card
Someone posted this to the social coop matrix room today
I started contributing $1 towards on November 5th, but I just had a merchant called "HSS (UK)" try and charge $2.42 to card.
This is a Privacy card, so it's only used for contributing to
Had a look on Platform 6 website and Open Collective also a web search couldnt find any clues related to "HCC (UK)"
Anyone know whats going on or do we have a contact at Platform 6 who may be able to help?

Graham Fri 25 Nov 2022 2:55PM
Hi Darren, Graham here from Platform 6. Thanks for flagging this up. We don't know anything about HSS (UK) or HCC (UK). Looking at the Stripe dashboard I can see 2 possible transactions that tally here (based on date and value). We only see what Stripe allows us to see on card information - which does not include the full card number. All I can see is the type of card (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, etc), the last four digits, and the country of origin, along with a bit of metadata (issuing bank, whether usual security checks were passed, etc.). So even if we were inclined to do so we would not be able to attempt to take payments, or to share or leak data that might enable others to do so.
Process-wise the payment is handled by Stripe all the way through. No card data goes anywhere near our servers. Less certain about the Open Collective interface, but I would assume they also have zero interest in handling card data because of the security overheads involved. Once the transaction is complete Stripe will inject the funds into our bank account a few days later, commonly as part of an aggregated bundle of payments.
I would suggest that the person concerned should primarily take up the matter with their card issuer, who may be able to provide more info. If we can help further please let me know. I hope this is of some use.
Nathan Schneider · Fri 25 Nov 2022 2:35PM
@Graham is here now. Graham, any insights you can add?