Planning the Training for the Gathering.
We have a place for the event and camping space for the night. A trainer has been engaged, and there are supportive people in Sacramento. How do we present what we are doing on that day Wed July 30?

Daniel Hong Thu 26 Jun 2014 4:39PM
@oswgwhe On yesterday's conference call, someone (maybe you?) said that a lead facilitator was confirmed. Please share the good news!

Tricia Thu 26 Jun 2014 5:31PM
I think Delphine made the announcement about the facilitator

Sally G Thu 26 Jun 2014 8:57PM
Yes, it was Delphine; she has been working on this. I did not get the name, though.

Justin Thu 26 Jun 2014 9:13PM
Don't we usually form a Working Group to bottom line facilitation?

Tricia Thu 26 Jun 2014 10:16PM
Yes, the group in Sac has been working for months and months on this
Toad Ficca Fri 27 Jun 2014 3:42PM
I admit that I am a greenhorn, and don't understand some of the nuances, so forgive me, but I am not understanding what the first day: July 30th is, except diversity training? The posters and ShareTribe all advertise being there from July 31st until the 3rd, and I thought it was the 30th until the 4th. This is a pretty small point, I am sure peeps will show whenever, anyway, but you asked how to present "what we are doing" that day, Wed, the 30th? (Tricia?) I think the differences in dates may be providing some confusion. I talked to a guy in E. WA last night about getting him to the caravan in Portland...and he was confused on dates as well. If we are to travel, we kind of need some structure (I can only take so many days off work!) Just sayin' point here is, I may seem naïve, but I represent many people who might be more involved, like me, if you care to bring in as many as poss. Thanks.
Toad Ficca Fri 27 Jun 2014 3:43PM
I also understand that my job represents that very Capitalism that is undermining basic human and environmental rights, but unfortunately, I have to play the system somewhat. Thanks. Toad.
oswgwhe Fri 27 Jun 2014 4:24PM
Thanks for pointing this out. It is on the the 30th, and had to be added on since the Gathering starts on the 31st, we had to be prepared for the Gathering. It will be in a nice place with camping over night and a march to the Capitol in the morning.

Tricia Fri 27 Jun 2014 4:25PM
My recollection the training was meant for organizers and that's why it was scheduled the day before the start of the gathering.
Justin · Thu 26 Jun 2014 3:14PM
What are you presenting? Do you mean how do we share the info with interested campers/public?
Who is the trainer & what are they skill sharing on?