Thu 6 Nov 2014 6:11PM

Transforming media to enable democracy

SR Steve Rushton Public Seen by 80

Corporate mainstream media often works in the interests of the elites (1%):
how could we transform this situation to make it work for the people and the planet?

A brainstorm & discussion


andria Fri 7 Nov 2014 4:00PM

This what needs to be refined?

People Before Profit

• No Privatisation of the NHS

• Programme of Green Social Housing

• Close down Tax Havens

• No TTIP CETA & TISA trade deals

• Abolish Tuition Fees

• Living Wage for All

• Universal Basic Income

• No to privatisation of all public services, including but not limited to schools, police, public transport and public spaces

• Reverse Privatisation of Public Spaces

Environment Before Profit

• Ban Fracking & Invest in Renewable Energy

• New Green Deal including One Million Climate Jobs

Democracy Before Profit

• Reform of Party funding & lobbying and ensure full transparency

• Reform and Democratise the City of London Corporation and end the role of Rembrancer

• Introduce Proportional Representation

• MPs not to have second jobs

• Close the “revolving door” [between government and corporations]

• Oppose corporate secondment *

• On entering the Houses of Parliament members must divest themselves of all financial interests and this must be subject to credible oversight*

• Major democratic reform of the media in order to break the stranglehold of the media by vested interests

• Hold a citizen-led Constitutional Convention for real democracy which must recognise that a Constitution is a living document.


Saeeda Bukhari Fri 7 Nov 2014 5:33PM

I think we need to give a second and third tool to two other small
groups to trial and keep this as the master tool (so we don't lose
any of the debate) until we decide out of the three. All tools have
limitations especially when they are free-ish (Loomio asks for



Sharon Baskerville Sun 9 Nov 2014 3:15PM

They should be brought under some sort of judicial system, so that all we get is the truth- why would we want anything but that? Governed by whom though I'm not sure- as when power is gained, original incentives get lost.


Dan Wright Sun 9 Nov 2014 5:04PM

Bump off Murdoch.


Adrian Brewster Mon 10 Nov 2014 4:33PM

Occupy journalism, get behind the community journalism movement and/or become a journalist yourself. http://www.communityjournalism.co.uk/en/ Like the transition towns movement it is not very radical but maybe we need a radical, hyper-local transition journalism.


Steve Rushton Mon 10 Nov 2014 6:39PM

I have a few changes...

  1. No media moguls, and strict media plurality - basically no one can own more than one station/ newspaper...

Steve Rushton Mon 10 Nov 2014 6:42PM

  1. Strict media laws regulating free speech, freedom of press, freedom to whistle-blow and journalists right to protect sources - these are encapsulated in the IMMI laws (International Modern Media Institute) in Iceland. It set itself up as a transparency haven, the only place in the world were there is a Wikileaks office

Steve Rushton Mon 10 Nov 2014 6:43PM

  1. Absolute overhaul of BBC - it is rotten and needs transforming to create news for the people, not for the establishment

Adrian Brewster Tue 11 Nov 2014 11:16PM

We are mostly stuck with the media we have right now and as a way of opening up what was suggested as a brainstorm I think having clear messages is so important. I like em’s 5 points over on the invite only media group and the growing/developing list of “demands” but they don’t really tick all the news value boxes for journalists, by the time you have got to the second point the hack will be yawning and looking around to see if Russell Brand has turned up. Need to constantly come up with the latest human interest stories, facts, figures etc that expose the bullshit produced by the psychopaths and bullies in power for what it is, that contrasts how democratic government is supposed to work and exposes how power actually works. I guess loomio could be a useful tool for a sort of crowd sourced journalism.