Transforming media to enable democracy
Corporate mainstream media often works in the interests of the elites (1%):
how could we transform this situation to make it work for the people and the planet?
A brainstorm & discussion
Deleted account Thu 6 Nov 2014 6:22PM
Who are the elite?
Steve Rushton Thu 6 Nov 2014 6:27PM
- corporate owned or controlled, including: BBC, Murdoch and Barclays Brothers owned and the other main media mogul (forget the name) Plus any media owner with large other interests, e.g. Independent's Russian owner
- elites as in shorthand for 1%,
Steve Rushton Thu 6 Nov 2014 6:29PM
I edited it a bit :)
Saeeda Bukhari Thu 6 Nov 2014 6:30PM
I think we need a crowdsourced rating tool for journalistic honesty. This could be at a channel/medium level (Channel/Medium meaning newspaper, tv news, blog etc) and at a individual reporter level.
It would need the buying of journalists and public.
When people rated the person they would need to post counter evidence. or lack of evidence. repeat of unsubstantiated claims without question.
If would go back in time, so historical lies could be called out. I.e Iraqs weapons of mass destruction.
A person could mark themselves as ideologically embedded journalists, and they could be marked as that. I.e mouth piece for the oil lobby,
Journalists could post their own articles, post their evidence and then their viewpoint on interpretation. So people could see how much is evidence how much is their point of view.
The site would not seek to discourage alternative views only separate and clearly identify fact from ideology.
Tabloids, Spoof sites etc could be openly marked as that and we give a lower level of fact to them. In that people would fully understand they are reading rubbish but it has some creative and entertainment value.
Something would need to be done to prevent lobby attacks to discredit journalists who were truthful.
Phil England Fri 7 Nov 2014 1:08PM
What are we trying to achieve with this discussion? What is the intended/expected outcome?

John Sinha Fri 7 Nov 2014 2:12PM
We could say that media control and ownership is concentrated in a few hands and that the mass media, including the BBC, reflects the interests of a tiny elite. A free and plural press is essential for the functioning of any democracy. But our current media does not serve serve this democratic function; rather than inform the public, it serves to mis-inform them. It is an essential part of a system of power, which includes Westminster and the City of London, whose purpose is to protect the wealth and privileges of this tiny elite
Steve Rushton Fri 7 Nov 2014 2:45PM
Phil - this discussion is a follow on from something we said at OD, it is a brainstorm and could feed-into further conversations. I also wanted to get the ball rolling, as the first discussion topic :)
Phil England Fri 7 Nov 2014 3:10PM
In our current demands list we have "Major democratic reform of the media in order to break the stranglehold of the media by vested interests". Is our purpose to improve this so as to make an alternative proposal at the next GA in Parliament Square (assuming it is on the agenda)?
Steve Rushton Fri 7 Nov 2014 3:18PM
The purpose of this group is to trial Loomio as a direct democracy tool. In the future, if this tool seems to work, then it may be used to add to the GA.
Podemos/ Better Reykavik and other groups use similar tools to aid the direct democracy process - but in the case of here, it has been suggested that we trial this
Deleted account · Thu 6 Nov 2014 6:21PM
What do you mean by corporate media? This needs to be defined