
CC workshops, talks and events

MM Matt McGregor Public Seen by 410

This thread is for folks from the CCANZ community to report on any talks, workshops or events they have provided on CC licensing in Aotearoa.


Victoria Leachman Mon 19 Oct 2015 9:45PM

On Friday 16 October I talked to the Vernon User Group about GLAM collection management, copyright, and openness including Creative Commons licensing


Elizabeth Heritage Tue 20 Oct 2015 2:16AM

Recently I have given talks about CC to: Vernon User Group (with Victoria), SLANZA conference, CareersNZ, and Tinderbox conference. This week coming up I'll be on a panel discussing IP at Dance Aotearoa NZ.


Thomasin Sleigh Wed 21 Oct 2015 10:05PM

I've been running "train the trainer" GIF-making workshops with staff at public libraries across NZ. This workshop introduces DigitalNZ, open licensing, touches on CC, before moving to a hands-on practical GIF-making session. CC is covered very quickly (the workshop is only 2 hours), but participants are pointed in the direction of further info. I've got two more workshops coming up next week at the Awa City Clubhouse in Whanganui, and with South Taranaki Libraries.


Matt McGregor Mon 9 Nov 2015 9:38PM

This week, we have a stand at the LIANZA conference, generously provided gratis by the LIANZA team.


Hamish MacEwan Sun 15 Nov 2015 5:33AM

Michel Bauwens NZ Lecture Tour: P2P Design, Open Source Collaboration, & the Sharing Economy

Founder and Director, P2P Foundation

The leading chronicler of commons-based peer production is coming to New Zealand. From P2P design to open source collaboration to the sharing economy, new forms of cooperation, value creation, and distribution are emerging.

Dates roughly as per Sophie's post.


Melissa Laing Sun 22 Nov 2015 8:14PM

On Friday 20 Nov, I went into the head office of the Auckland Kindergarten Association to talk to them about Creative Commons in education. It was a meeting/pitch to three of their staff who were really interested in how the principles of cc, open education and sharing resources might be applied to the kindergarten sector.


Elizabeth Heritage Mon 23 Nov 2015 12:43AM

In February I will be going to Whitireia / WelTec to talk to them about CC and OERs.


Matt McGregor Mon 23 Nov 2015 1:26AM

Last week, a new volunteer, William McKee, provided a talk to a writers' group in Hamilton - it sounded like he got some great feedback.


Matt McGregor Fri 27 Nov 2015 2:48AM

More detail from @williammckee on our email list:

"I recently did a talk about Creative Commons at Writers Den Hamilton.
The slides can be found at http://wcmckee.com​/creativecommons​.svg

People seemed generally positive. I had people approaching
me after the talk asking about licencing their blogs under a cc

Writers Den Hamilton has a site - http://writersdenhamilton.org.nz
The licence is CC BY by default. Currently it's only my work on there
but I plan on helping others in the group start to upload their work.

People tend to write short stories for wdh as we have homework tasks
and people bring in the work to share and critique. These short
stories (500 words) would work well on the site and be a stepping
stone for writers that feel uneasy about licencing their novel under a
cc licence.




Matt McGregor Wed 2 Dec 2015 2:36AM

Last week, a CCANZ volunteer, Richard McLaren, introduced a CC policy at Shirley Boys High School - which was subsequently approved.

With around 1500 students, this is a big win. We're slowly ticking off many of the larger high schools.


Helen Baxter Thu 10 Dec 2015 3:53AM

I was interviewed at MBIE yesterday by the Creative Sector Study team on our use of copyright and Creative Commons at Mohawk Media.



Matt McGregor Thu 4 Feb 2016 2:12AM

Stephen McConnachie gave a talk to DT teachers in Christchurch on the 2/2. It sounds like there were a range of local schools on their CC / OER journey.


Elizabeth Heritage Thu 4 Feb 2016 2:39AM

Earlier this week I gave a talk to staff at WelTec and Whitireia about CC & OERs.


Elizabeth Heritage Thu 25 Feb 2016 1:50AM

I will be speaking about CC & OERs at one of the EdTech meet-ups next month, and to the Wellington branch of the NZ Society of Authors in April about copyright & CC for writers.


Helen Baxter Thu 25 Feb 2016 1:56AM

I gave a presentation last week covering the use of Creative Commons and Haiku Deck to nurses and support workers at the Mary Potter Hospice in Wellington.


Matt McGregor Tue 1 Mar 2016 1:20AM

On the 24th of Feb, I gave an hour workshop on open research data at AUT.


Helen Baxter Tue 1 Mar 2016 11:29PM

I gave a talk last night for the Visual Effects Society, Wellington and talked about Creative Commons and CC Kiwi.


Keitha Booth Tue 10 May 2016 12:57AM

On 5 April I gave a workshop on CC licensing at the Secondary School Principals Association NZ conference in Queenstown.


Elizabeth Heritage Wed 25 May 2016 2:31AM

On 28 April I gave a talk to the PPTA subject associations forum. On 5 May I gave a CC workshop to staff at the Air Force Museum. On 17 May I was on a copyright panel at the Museums Australasia conference. Over Queen's Birthday weekend I'll be giving a talk on copyright & CC for spec fic writers at Au Contraire.


Robert Frittmann Fri 3 Jun 2016 12:24AM


I'm planning a workshop for 19-21 October, during InterACT Disability Arts Festival, at Corban Estate Arts Centre in Henderson, West Auckland.

"I propose running a discussion workshop about digital arts for disabled people, including digital content creation and remixing, licensing issues, and sharing / hosting options."
- from my Expression of Interest.

I'll be creating a set of LibreOffice Impress slides for the workshop, and would like to include any relevant slides that others here may be able to contribute, about CC licensing. I'd also like to get some CC posters, stickers or any other freely available resources to hand out during the event.


Elizabeth Heritage Mon 6 Jun 2016 10:49PM

Great idea Robert! Drop me a line ([email protected]) with your postal address and I'll send you some brochures and posters.


William Mckee Tue 7 Jun 2016 4:07AM

Thanks for this - I've gone and registered Interest in InterACT 2016. I didn't have my portable pi artist workstation when I meet you at lca2015 (before the pi2 was released) so will be good to catch up.

Happy to help with the workshop/slides also.


Robert Frittmann Tue 7 Jun 2016 5:34AM

Haha, great minds think alike. I was planning to bring along my old RasPi model A for the exhibition itself. Thanks, all the help I can get would be appreciated. I'll join the CC ANZ mailing list (haven't done that yet) and we can plan some more on there, if you like.


William Mckee Sun 3 Jul 2016 8:50PM

Attended Appageddon-IT-Meetup and spoke to several people regarding cc, handed out and had cc booklets on display. Been invited to speak at Vision Collage - CC could be a topic.