Organization Structure
I propose we create a constitution for ourselves and define membership and responsibilities.
Also we can use Swathanthra Malayalam Computing ( as a legal custodian of our assets similar to how SPI handles assets and financial transactions for debian project.
Update (09/02/2017): We need to revisit this thread now and finish this task of defining a structure.
- Each sub team like maintainers or should be able to take technical decisions independently. We can have them like special teams in debian (FTP masters, release team etc).
- We can create email accounts for official members
- Any time contribution to Free Software should be enough to get a membership (be it coding, design, support, publicity etc)
- Their contribution should be vouched by existing members (we can have initial members from this loomio group/riot group/mailing list).
- This structure can help us make official statements with everyone given a fair opportunity to comment.
- Ownership of assets like domains could be given to legal entities like SMC. Just like debian, we can have multiple organizations as trusted organizations to keep assets. We can ask other groups like DFF, SFLC, DAKF etc
Basically we need ensure we can sustain these services even if the current maintainers become inactive (I want to make myself redundant).
Further reading: has criteria debian uses to select trusted organizations. has list of organizations trusted by debian. is the section about trusted organizations.
Update (10/02/2017):
- Free Software Community of India is a collective of Free Software (sometimes also called as Open Source Software) users, advocates and developers.
- We maintain communication and collaboration infrastructure for everyone that respects their freedom and privacy.
- We depend on donations and community manpower to run the infrastructure.
- We maintain a list of Free Software communities and offer sub domains of or
- We mentor Free Software enthusiasts to become Free Software contributors.
- We provide GNU/Linux installation and configuration support via online messaging groups.
Akhil Krishnan S
Sun 29 Sep 2013 4:03AM
Quoting sooraj's opinion
"SMC is entirely different entity with different objectives."
Manoj Karingamadathil
Tue 1 Oct 2013 8:00AM
am ok with this.
Manu Krishnan T V Wed 18 Sep 2013 5:22PM
It was just my opinion. Lets see what others think.
Pirate Praveen Mon 23 Sep 2013 6:57AM
@balasankarchelamat providing logistical support to Free Software communities is one of the core objectives of SMC (society).
Sooraj Kenoth Sun 29 Sep 2013 6:40PM
@akhilkrishnans I have a small correction. That statement was a mistake from me. I was not an active participant in When saw the discussion, I thought it is about pirate movement. Personally I don't like to connect pirate movement with SMC. So I blocked it. When I realized the mistake I corrected it. I apologise for the mistake I made.
Balasankar C Mon 30 Sep 2013 11:38AM
To make things transparent, shouldn't the SMC members (who are not member of FCI) have a word on the issue?? Why don't we make it like this - FCI is requesting SMC to be its legal supporter, SMC places the discussion in front of its members, SMC members decide what to do. If they are fine, lets do it.
I don't think, the stuff involving another organization should be discussed in a platform like this. SMC must be informed formally about this request (via mail so that everyone knows) and let them respond.
Anish Sheela Mon 30 Sep 2013 3:42PM
@balasankarchelamat Yes. You are right. That need to be second step. After this discussion closes, we can discuss in SMC mailing list and can give a letter to SMC from us describing the situation.
This voting is solely for consent from FCI members regarding this.
Once they accept it, then only this become possible. If not, we propose alternatives. That's my thought on this.
Balasankar C Fri 18 Oct 2013 4:04PM
I believe SMC's General Assembly agreed to this request.
Pirate Praveen Thu 9 Feb 2017 5:30AM
We need to revisit this thread now and finish this task of defining a structure.
- Each sub team like maintainers or should be able to take technical decisions independently. We can have them like special teams in debian (FTP masters, release team etc).
- We can create email accounts for official members
- Any time contribution to Free Software should be enough to get a membership (be it coding, design, support, publicity etc)
- Their contribution should be vouched by existing members (we can have initial members from this loomio group/riot group/mailing list).
- This structure can help us make official statements with everyone given a fair opportunity to comment.
- Ownership of assets like domains could be given to legal entities like SMC. Just like debian, we can have multiple organizations as trusted organizations to keep assets. We can ask other groups like DFF, SFLC, DAKF etc
Basically we need ensure we can sustain these services even if the current maintainers become inactive (I want to make myself redundant).
Pirate Praveen Thu 9 Feb 2017 6:57AM
Sharing the discussion points in
Vikram Vincent
Pirate Praveen: read the thread on FCI assets. I don't have an opinion on it since I was involved with FCI years ago.
Pirate Praveen
Vikram Vincent: ok, we are trying to reactivate the wiki/website and make it more sustainable by defining/documenting teams, processes etc
Vikram Vincent
Fsmk being a legal entity handles issues of assets thru its committee.
This was something we designed from the early stages itself
Not sure why you selected smc over other orgs but I assume it is because a lot of you are from smc, right?
Another way would be to create FCI into a legal entity but I don't know if it is too late for that
Pirate Praveen
Vikram Vincent: yes, most of us knew smc well enough to ask at that time
Vikram Vincent: I prefer the way debian does it
there is one community without legal entity and multiple trusted organizations for legal requirement, owning assets etc
Vikram Vincent
Pirate Praveen: how would u implement such a distributed plan? Is there some legal text I can read to understand?
Pirate Praveen
debian has many legal trusted organizations like SPI in US, in switzerland, debian Japan etc
Vikram Vincent
Right. In a region there is one trusted org. But FCI is distributed across India and smc is located in one place
So I don't see how your idea is implemented..
Pirate Praveen
Vikram Vincent: see
Teams/DPL/TrustedOrganizationCriteria - Debian Wiki
Wiki Login FrontPage RecentChanges FindPage HelpContents TrustedOrga...ionCriteria Search: Wiki / Login Comments Info Attachments More Actions: Raw Text
Vikram Vincent: smc was just the first, we can always add more
Vikram Vincent
I read that. For example, in US, Debian as one trusted org and not several, right?
How would u handle conflicts among among multiple trusted orgs?
Pirate Praveen
Vikram Vincent: what kind of conflicts? its FCI -> trusted org interactions, we only have to worry about interaction with that organization and FCI
for example if we want to add FSMK as a trusted organization, somene in FCI can propose it and if its accepted, we can ask FSMK about their position
if there is a conflict between FSMK and SMC for example, that does not affect us
Vikram Vincent
So each trusted org handles a different aspect, I assume
Cannot be the same asset
Pirate Praveen
Vikram Vincent: yes
Vikram Vincent
Ah ok
Pirate Praveen Thu 9 Feb 2017 7:28AM
discussion with @jayaura on matrix/riot.
Pirate Praveen: if FSMK and SMC are trusted orgs and they have a conflict, shouldnt FCI intervene and help resolve that ? How can it not affect FCI?
(assuming that FCI is legal and SMC FSMK are added as TOs)
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: the need for trusted organizations arise because we/FCI is not a legal entity
well I didnt put it correctly. I know FCI is not legal at the moment. I was just asking the question in the hypothetical situation where FCI has become legal
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: having friends in both organizations, we can try an mediate in a conflict, but that should not affect us. Each of them will be holding a different asset.
Aurabindo: then we don't need any TO, we can handle our own assets
Right, if the conflicts are over different assets, it should legally 'affect' FCI
But is there absolutely no chance of having such a conflict on assets that may be common? For instance, lets say an individual donates some infrastructure to FCI which both TO 'A' and 'B' would love to have. If the donor has not specifically mentioned whom the resource should be donated, then there could be an issue that FCI need to deal with, isnt it ?
or such cases are out of scope ?
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: there are bigger conflicts, even between countries? How do people solve it? People try to talk, have a mediator etc. This is a pure hypothetical situation, we are all people, we can think about a response when there is a conflict
Aurabindo: A or B don't have a say in decision making, FCI decides or the donor decides
FCI can tell the donor to give it to either A or B
Right. So that the rule put forward by FCI. I think such cases needs to be well documented
if we are moving ahead with this idea
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: yes, we can use the debian't criteria as a starting point
And for TO's to be interested in joining FCI, there needs to some perks they have with the membership
First one I can think of, is managing the legal aspects
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: no, the TO don't join FCI
taxes etc ( if they apply)
I see
Pirate Praveen
both FCI and TO will see if the goals are aligned
Pirate Praveen
in this case SMC or FSMK will see if supporting FCI helps Free Software, which is a goal of both those orgs
FCI will check the trackrecord of SMC and FSMK before approaching them and they will in turn check the track record of FCI
it helps when there are common members
many members are common between SMC and FCI so they can vouch for each other organizations
now if some members of FSMK or DFF or DAKF becomes a part of FCI, they can propose/vouch
I know I am talking in future tenst, but still: My personal opinion for FCI is to not go legal. I love FCI to be always a community and not an "organization".
Pirate Praveen
@balasankarc: that is my preference too
there will be many compulsions when going legal, when there are already many legal entities that share the same goal of promoting Free Software, we don't need yet another one wanting to do the same
that why I like the way debian did it
its not just just debian many other projects gets affiliated with SPI or SFLC
Pirate Praveen: I was not clear regarding the proposed relationship b/w FCI and SMC. Reading the debian constitution now
Pirate Praveen
Current Projects - Software Freedom Conservancy
The Software Freedom Conservancy provides a non-profit home and services to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects.
Prasanth Sugathan: do offer a simialr service for communities in India?
Pirate Praveen: @balasankarc Has there been any discussions on the pros and cons of going official ?
Pirate Praveen
SPI / projects Home Contact Corporate Donations Meetings Membership Projects SPI Associated Projects We are proud to be able to list the following 46 free and open source projects as being associated with SPI.
Loomio - Loomio
Pirate Praveen Fri 10 Feb 2017 7:31AM
Discussion with Arun M ([email protected])
[11:44:42 IST] arunm: Hi Praveen real problem is not organisation but we lack people doing real work
[11:44:49 IST] arunm: Discuss politics
[11:45:06 IST] arunm: Create next generation actisits
[11:54:05 IST] praveen: arunm, I agree we need people who are motivated by politics, above thread is just an attempt to document the existing community, to sustain services like and
[11:55:57 IST] praveen: documenting processes helps new people to understand how how community works
[11:56:08 IST] praveen: it is required to sustain a community
[11:57:27 IST] praveen: we want a new member to know they can question the "seniors" and don't have to just follow
[11:58:24 IST] praveen: this is mostly relevant for community ownership of infrastructure like the diaspora pod we run
[11:58:58 IST] praveen: arunm, it is not a substitute for building activists
[12:04:54 IST] arunm: Praveen, I don't know. We need community it infrastructure like diaspora but the challenge is not one of Debian but that of autistici
[12:05:12 IST] arunm: Debian model is not the best to me
[12:05:56 IST] arunm: For debian community infrastructure is something to support its core community function of developing a free distro
[12:06:47 IST] arunm: Here objective is to build shared it infrastructure for members use like email, data storage, messaging etc
[12:07:24 IST] praveen: I'm looking at debian as "how a community work together"
[12:08:15 IST] praveen: while autistici structure is good if we look at the output, but how do one join autistici?
[12:08:59 IST] arunm: It may not work if they adopt debian model
[12:09:13 IST] praveen: I'm more interrsted in growing the number of people who steps up to do the work
[12:09:39 IST] praveen: hense looking at the debian structure
[12:09:48 IST] arunm: Only way is work with them talk to them
[12:10:05 IST] arunm: Discuss politics
[12:10:24 IST] praveen: autistici/riseup is a closed group, though really committed and passionate people
[12:11:08 IST] arunm: The spirit of rebellion and comradeship
[12:13:16 IST] praveen: but that usually ends up as small number of people in the front and large number following
[12:14:14 IST] praveen: which I don't see as suatainable, as many times the people at the front get burned out or have to move out, the community dies with it
Bady Fri 10 Feb 2017 8:26PM
i'd like to question the necessity of having a constitution. doesn't it make things look more complicated than simply allowing people to associate freely? also one of the main reasons for not registering FCI as a legal entity is to avoid the complications that come with it, right? so my suggestion is to keep things simple by providing general guidelines instead of forming a constitution.
on the other hand it's fine if there are any solid reasons for creating a constitution. what all are the advantages of having a constitution (assuming that a constitution is no more valid than a set of guidelines when the organization isn't a registered one)?
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 6:58AM
doesn't it make things look more complicated than simply allowing people to associate freely? also one of the main reasons for not registering FCI as a legal entity is to avoid the complications that come with it, right? so my suggestion is to keep things simple by providing general guidelines instead of forming a constitution.
If there is no defined structure, the community will end up being controlled by a small group. Even with defined constitutions, countries become dictatorships. Power has a corrupting influence and we have systematically restrict it. Constitution alone will not be sufficient, but it is necessary to define and restrict small group of people dominating others. It is not about complications, but limitations imposed by a hierarchical structure as required by law. When we are not registered, we are flexible about our structure and decision making. For a registered organization, we will have to follow the structure mandated by law. Without a constitution, do you think debian would have sustained this long?
Constitution is just a name that people understand, naming it guidelines would be okay too. It is something we show to new people. How do someone new to know who we are, what we do, why we are doing it, how can they become a part, do they get the same rights etc. Without a defined structure and process for accepting new members, growth will not be sustainable as a small group will only feel the ownership and when they become inactive, the groups dies too.
Fayad Fami Sat 11 Feb 2017 6:21AM
I think it is a fact fci needs better organization. Constitution alone may not be enough for that. We will need to receive financial support, advices and backing in situations that needs backing.
As far as I understand we have members who've been part of smc and people who still work with smc. So the benefits overweights anything else. Besides organizations like smc are designed to support movements.
But only if more people from smc will step up and comment about this.
The measures outlined to organize fci will help to make it more official. Things will be streamlined, and new people will understand its worthiness and the need to contribute. Continue to have people from everywhere plus under one group with some structure.
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 7:06AM
I think it is a fact fci needs better organization. Constitution alone may not be enough for that. We will need to receive financial support, advices and backing in situations that needs backing.
Like I said above, constitution alone is not sufficient, but it is necessary to sustain the community. It is more of a documentation, a declaration of intent and purpose. We can associate with many existing registered organizations that share our values and goals to take care of financial and legal needs. It is a common practice for many Free Software communities to isolate legal structure from community decision making. Software in the Public Interest, Software Freedom Conservancy, our own SMC, all have a goal of supporting the Free Software communities in their goals and many projects use these services. If we are unable to get that support from existing organizations, we can think about creating our own.
But only if more people from smc will step up and comment about this.
SMC has already agreed to support us. I reopened this thread to complete writing a constitution that details our goals and a membership process so we become sustainable.
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 7:13AM
I have added a preamble section in this thread's description. Please comment.
Aurabindo J Sat 11 Feb 2017 7:23AM
Regarding the second point of the preamble We maintain communication and collaboration infrastructure for everyone, like a diaspora pod with xmpp chat support at and a gitlab instance at
, I suggest that specific services not be mentioned in there. Preamble should be the introduction. Further sections should mention in detail what services are hosted, what domains are registered, and who are the present admins, etc.
Aurabindo J Sat 11 Feb 2017 7:26AM
Suggestion on point 2: How about changing from We maintain communication and collaboration infrastructure for everyone
to We maintain communication and collaboration infrastructure for everyone that respects their freedom and privacy and depend on donations and community manpower to run the infrastructure
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 7:39AM
Updated, see now.
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 9:16AM
Discussion with @jayaura about the name and stand about hardware.
Pirate Praveen: I think we need to clarify what is the official name of the organization: Is it FCI? If so, is that Free software Community of India or `Foss Community of India?
Or should we make it FLOSS ?
thats another usage I've come across in multiple places
And, why should we limit ourselves to just Software? Hardware deserves mention too!
Aurabindo: FLOSS seems too much
Aurabindo I agree.
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: it was started as Foss community of India, but in descriptions I prefer to use Free Software
I don't like floss either
Aurabindo: propose a wording for hardware
we could change the name to Free Software Community of India
Pirate Praveen: the question is whether hardware should be something thats important to this group. I am not aware of anyone who is into open hardware in here!
If there is enough interest, we can probably call it "Free Computing Community of India", to reflect that we also care about hardware
or something like that
or may be Free and Open Computing Community of India, FOCCI
In case we decide to include hardware, we need to come with a bang, like launching some hardware project
we ofcourse, not commercially
I will be able to make a start with it. I have a DC Motor Driver in the work. Once tested, I'd like to release it open
Pirate Praveen
Aurabindo: well, even those hardware projects, we are only dealing with software, right?
Aurabindo: creating something like raspberry pi or fairphone or librem can be called a free hardware project
well, not rspberry pi, but olimex range of products have free hardware designs
and if we indeed start something later, we can always add it later too
Pirate Praveen: open/free hardware need not necessarily be about making a generic full fledged computing system. The DC motor driver i mentioned is something just like that. Presently I am not aware of any indian community thats interested in making hardware
and of course, associated free software for those hardware
I've come across one off projects like SnapVcc from etc
Poll Created Sat 11 Feb 2017 9:26AM
Change our name to Free Software Community of India Closed Sun 12 Feb 2017 5:09AM
Since it was blocked because of ambiguity over the word 'Free', we'll try Swatantra.
I think our activities are more aligned with the Free Software philosophy, rather than Open Source development model. I suggest we change our name to Free Software Community of India (FSCI). FOSS Community name was chosen initially to be neutral between the two camps, but I think we should take sides now.
Those who are new the debate, read
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 57.1% | 4 | |
Abstain | 28.6% | 2 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 14.3% | 1 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 144 |
7 of 151 people have participated (4%)
Pirate Praveen
Sat 11 Feb 2017 9:26AM
yes, talking about freedom and ethics is more important
Sat 11 Feb 2017 9:53AM
I completely agree as I find myself on the same side :)
Jackson Isaac
Sat 11 Feb 2017 10:11AM
I feel it can be easily confused with free as in freeware (that only allows to run the software for free) and not the 4 freedoms of open source software.
Nandakumar Edamana
Sat 11 Feb 2017 10:50AM
Yes, Open Source is rather a business model. There is no space for a 'community' there.
Aurabindo J
Sat 11 Feb 2017 11:17AM
Option with multiple choices seems more logical for a decision to change name. This will help accommodate name suggestions from community members. This sounds more appropriate than to decide on or against just one particular name.
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 10:30AM
@jacksonisaac would you agree if we change it to "Swatantra Software Community of India"? Swatantra translates to Freedom in many Indian languages and hence it won't confuse people.
Jackson Isaac Sat 11 Feb 2017 11:05AM
Yes, something like this would be better :)
Jackson Isaac Sat 11 Feb 2017 11:23AM
I agree with @jayaura
Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Feb 2017 12:02PM
@jayaura we will try to get consensus, if that fails, we remain as FOSS Community of India. Lets just wait for everyone to respond. There is no multiple choice option in loomio currently.
fossyatra Sat 11 Feb 2017 3:54PM
:thumbsup: Yes agreed with fsci looks best sound ,'Open source' is not 'free software',Interesting To Read : ,neither Open Source, nor Free Software have won. we still have a long way to go.
Greetings, GTR
Balasankar C Sat 11 Feb 2017 4:00PM
Yes. Open source is aligned more to the business concept of the idea. But, why alienate ourselves from that? And I totally agree with Stallman that open source misses the point of freedom. That's what "F" in FOSS is intended to solve. I am inclined towards FCI, but can live with FSCI.
Nandakumar Edamana Sat 11 Feb 2017 11:46PM
But I think, while 'Free' in 'Free Software' means freedom, 'Free' in 'FOSS' primarily means zero-cost in the marketing world. That might be the reason some people support the term 'FLOSS' rather than 'FOSS'.
Balasankar C Sun 12 Feb 2017 2:49AM
Well, there is a general issue with the word Free being associated to cost. But I dont think that's specific to FOSS and not present in FS. Open Source being inclined to the monetary side shouldn't be the reason to keep it away.
The optimal, unambiguous word will be libre but that word is quiet alien to Indians and I won't dare to name the community a LOSS. :D
Pirate Praveen Sun 12 Feb 2017 4:27AM
We are not saying we won't work with people who prefer the term Open Source, we are just declaring what is important to us.
Aurabindo J Sat 11 Feb 2017 6:13PM
As @jacksonisaac pointed out, newbies might consider 'Free' software as just 'available for free'. In most places where 'Free Software' is mentioned, it is occasionally followed by the tag 'Free as in Freedom'. Since the actual idea is Freedom with Software, why not just include the full word Freedom itself rather than just 'Free'. This is along the likes of SFLC. Eg., Software Freedom Community of India
Pirate Praveen Sun 12 Feb 2017 4:30AM
Swatantra Software Community of India will solve the ambiguity. I prefer it over Software Freedom Community.
Bady Sat 11 Feb 2017 9:08PM
Constitution is just a name that people understand, naming it guidelines would be okay too. It is something we show to new people. How do someone new to know who we are, what we do, why we are doing it, how can they become a part, do they get the same rights etc. Without a defined structure and process for accepting new members, growth will not be sustainable as a small group will only feel the ownership and when they become inactive, the groups dies too.
i agree with you. first i thought FCI is just a gateway to get connected with various Free Software Communities all over india. but since FCI is also providing many services on its own, i understand it's important to have a well-defined structure.
Bady Sat 11 Feb 2017 9:08PM
Any time contribution to Free Software should be enough to get a membership (be it coding, design, support, publicity etc)
Their contribution should be vouched by existing members (we can have initial members from this loomio group/riot group/mailing list).
should we take it that far? i mean why complicating the membership process, is there anything wrong with simply granting membership for anyone who requests it? (assuming that those who request membership will be naturally FOSS enthusiasts).
Pirate Praveen Sun 12 Feb 2017 4:42AM
There are two types of organizations, first type will give membership to anyone who requests, but the decision making is by a few people, most organizations follow this approach. You can become an associate member of FSF by paying about 8000 rupees, but you can't influence FSF with your associate membership. Basically, your role is a supporter.
Second type of organizations are careful about giving membership, but once you are a member, you get equal rights as all other members, debian is a prominent example of such an organization. I prefer the second type of organization, be careful about giving membership, but give equal rights to all members. In this, you are not just a supporter, but you get a say in every decision. This is what we call a do-o-cracy, democracy of the people who do the actual work.
Poll Created Sun 12 Feb 2017 5:12AM
Change our name to Swatantra Software Community of India Closed Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:27AM
Swatantra is ambiguous in Telugu, it means more like self-owned or self-sustained. Mukt is suggested as a better option.
I think our activities are more aligned with the Free Software philosophy, rather than Open Source development model. I suggested we change our name to Free Software Community of India (FSCI). FOSS Community name was chosen initially to be neutral between the two camps, but I think we should take sides now.
But earlier proposal was blocked because of ambiguity of the word 'Free', hence changing it to Swatantra, which means Freedom in many Indian languages.
Those who are new the debate, read
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 62.5% | 10 | |
Abstain | 25.0% | 4 | ||
Disagree | 12.5% | 2 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 135 |
16 of 151 people have participated (10%)
Pirate Praveen
Sun 12 Feb 2017 5:12AM
Swatantra is unambiguous about Freedom
Balasankar C
Sun 12 Feb 2017 6:30AM
Yes. Swatantra feels right.
Sooraj Kenoth
Sun 12 Feb 2017 9:43AM
just observing....
Sun 12 Feb 2017 9:50AM
100% solidarity with the name change...
Deleted account
Mon 13 Feb 2017 1:11AM
I'd rather support to change the name to FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software).
Manoj Karingamadathil
Tue 14 Feb 2017 6:59PM
i am preferring Free Software.But Swatantra Okey
V. Sasi Kumar
Wed 15 Feb 2017 3:57AM
I think the word "Swathanthra" perfectly fits with the philosophy. Even Stallman prefers the word. And, I think, it means the same in all Indian languages, as its roots are in Sanskrit. Freedom Software would have been okay. But I think it was taken.
Wed 15 Feb 2017 2:15PM
"[...] if you want to stand up for freedom, using a neutral term isn't the way. Standing up for freedom entails showing people your support for freedom."
Thu 16 Feb 2017 8:50PM
yes, like that name
Thu 16 Feb 2017 9:14PM
Agreeing with the new name as well, but....but...but this means designing new banners, logo etc. Is anybody looking at that, we have just 10-12 days to go for GMRT, Science Day
Dhanesh B. Sabane
Sun 19 Feb 2017 1:38PM
Agreed. This name would resonate more with our activities.
Manu Krishnan T V
Sun 19 Feb 2017 5:37PM
Is name change the first important thing to be done?
Pavithran S
Sat 25 Feb 2017 5:21AM
I would prefer the name "Free Software" community to represent it. I do agree FOSS community should be replaced. Yes "Free Software" as a word has ambiguous meanings but I dont think the name "Swatantra" will strike someone as free software.
Fayad Fami
Sat 25 Feb 2017 6:30AM
A name change should not convey a reset. On the contrary it should mean a reboot.
Aurabindo J Sun 12 Feb 2017 3:56PM
Swatathra sounds better than Free, but just wondering if it applies to the whole of India in terms of the language - literally. Swathanthra works well for Malayalam. But what about the rest of the languages? Since english is pretty universal, we did not have any issues with it. Hindi equivalent would be a slight variation of it, but Google says for Telugu, its "Svēccha". Those community might not like it. I think @pavithrans has his native language as Telugu?
Pavithran S Sat 25 Feb 2017 6:26AM
Yes swatantra doesnt reflect as free software in telugu. For us its swecha.
shirish Mon 13 Feb 2017 7:05AM
I don't see an issue with the name change but I think we are missing the wood for the trees. Apart from the name change, we also need to have a logo, a branding which asserts the identity. IIRC, there was some talk in the past but it fizzled out without anything concrete. The logo should assert out differences, our uniqueness and yet unity of purpose- forwarding, hacking on free software.
Pirate Praveen Fri 17 Feb 2017 7:09AM
@shirish we can go with the current name for GMRT as we have 11 more days for the proposal to close. We'll think about logo, banner etc after the proposal is passed.
Pirate Praveen Sat 25 Feb 2017 5:41AM
@pavithrans changing to "Free Software Community" was "blocked" by @jacksonisaac . You can try to convince him or we will go with "Swatantra Software Community" as you prefer it over "FOSS Community". If you can convince him to reduce his opposition to "disagree" from "block", we can go for a majority vote to decide between "Free Software" and "Swatantra Software".
Pavithran S Sat 25 Feb 2017 6:27AM
Do you have a link where I can his arguments?
Pirate Praveen Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:10AM
If you click on 'load earlier activity' you can see previous comments or go directly to
Pirate Praveen Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:11AM
You can also see
Pirate Praveen Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:25AM
We had a discussion on room
mujeebcpy joined the room.
Itheth room
Itheth room
unencrypted room of FCI
Its not FCI anymore ;)
Its not FCI anymore ;)
the loomio proposal should be passed to make the name change official, right? i see 3 more days to go!
Its not FCI anymore ;)
the loomio proposal should be passed to make the name change official, right? i see 3 more days to go!
You're right ! ;)
Its not FCI anymore ;) the loomio proposal should be passed to make the name change official, right? i see 3 more days to go!
Thanks for reminding me of this. I logged in just to vote.
Pirate Praveen
pavi: convince Jackson Isaac about Free Software in name
Pirate Praveen: Who is jackson Isaac? I am yet to read all opinions.
* pavi needs to find the Jackson Isaacs post.
Pirate Praveen
pavi: he is from Amruta
Pirate Praveen: ok. Swatantra is too kerala centric.
Pirate Praveen
pavi: it works with Kannada and Hindi too
Pirate Praveen: Hindi how?
I think its Swaatantra but I am not sure. I might be mixing up languages.
Pirate Praveen
Its Sanskrit root
Yes it is
Pirate Praveen there was a political party
Swatantra Party - Wikipedia
Open main menu Edit this page Read in another language Swatantra Party Political party of India Swatantra Party Founder C. Rajagopalachari Founded
My issue here is Swatantra can also mean doing things on your own. It has that ambiguity in the name.
Other than that I am not so bothered.
Pirate Praveen there is a news paper
Freedom and independance is used interchangeably
pavi sent an image
Download Screenshot_2017-02-25_07-37-47.png (20.74 KB)
^^Got it from a dictionary.
Pirate Praveen
It works in telugu too?
Its the check on the meaning of the word swatanthra.
It means "self sustatining" or "self owned"
It doesnt mean "freedom"
Pirate Praveen
Oh :(
Swecha is the exact telugu word for freedom 😊
* pavi wonders if other people understand the word swecha?
pavi: no. only if you are familiar with the place
Pirate Praveen
So we can use both :) for telugu use Swecha, others Swatantra but SSCI
Pirate Praveen: thats the issue, for say SMC its good. It can be swatantra malayalam computing.
When we use a name for Indian community it shouldnt mean something else.
It should be one for all. Not all for one.
Thats why I had to disagree with the vote. Sorry for tht.
Pirate Praveen
Swatantra/Swecha Software Community?
Like Free/Libre?
Swatantra/Swecha Software Community?
Dont mix up with swecha
Pirate Praveen
pavi: try to convinse Jackson Isaac then
Pirate Praveen: you can use the word Mukth software
It makes perfect sense in telugu and hindi as well
Pirate Praveen
I'm okay with Free or Swatantra
pavi sent an image
Download Screenshot_2017-02-25_07-47-35.png (16.22 KB)
Enlightenment should be moksh in hindi I guess
Pirate Praveen
MS ci is fun :)
Microsoft will object :)
mukti will be cool, gives lot of room to manouver.
Pirate Praveen
Nagarjuna uses Mukt Software
Mukt not Muft
Nagarjuna is telugu I guess
Mukt not Muft
Perfect dialogue, we can even have a tag line
'I said mukti' as it just does't mean freedom, in some senses it also means sacrifice as well and enlightment, so multiple meanings, all of them positive.
Pirate Praveen
It will fit for Open too :) Indira Gandhi Mukt Vishwavidyalay :)
and the word is feminine-oriented as well, so women would feel welcomed.
Pirate Praveen
Indira Gandhi National Open University - Wikipedia
Indira Gandhi National Open University From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search This article is about open university in New Delhi, India. For other uses see
shirish: Mukti is freedom, but Mukti Software doesn't fit together
Mukt Software is better
* pavi is happy with both mukt or mukti
Pirate Praveen: I agree on mukt software, since swatantra sounds more like self-governing
Deys: which language are you from?
* pavi thanks Deys 👍
i am from mumbai, I have learned marathi, hindi, english and bengali is my mother-toungue
Pirate Praveen
Deys: wow!
pavi: then I'll close the current proposal and propose Mukt Software Community of India
Pirate Praveen: by now you might have understood the ambiguity of the name.
Pirate Praveen
and MS community of India is a nice pun :)
pavi: then I'll close the current proposal and propose Mukt Software Community of India
shirish: Mukti software?
Pirate Praveen: Fayad Just wondering about the roots of mukthi.. isnt it the freedom you get after enlightenment in malayalam?
mukti actually has very strong foundations in the Indian freedom movement.
Pirate Praveen
mukthi means liberation from limitations
I'm off for now, some housework, will return later.
Good news Mukt dot in is still with friends
use search engine 'mukti indian freedom movement'
* pavi was scared the domain name was gone.
Pirate Praveen
mukthi and moksha are synonyms
mukthi means liberation from limitations
In malayalam? I am concerned about malayalam naming
Pirate Praveen
Fayad: are you okay with Mukt Software Community of India?
MS Community of india, that was a nice pun Pirate Praveen
Pirate Praveen
pavi: Free or FOSS is not Malayalam, Mukt is Hindi/Sanskrit and is close enough
* pavi waits for the dravidian word 😜
Pirate Praveen
mukt means liberated
mukt means liberated
In dravidian languages?
Pirate Praveen
pavi: in Malayalam
pavi: in Malayalam
Then I am fine.
Telugus should also be fine with mukt word. What say Sarath ? SaiKarthik ?
Pirate Praveen
uday: ^
Poll Created Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:34AM
Change our name to Mukt Software Community of India Closed Mon 27 Feb 2017 4:18PM
No consensus on this as well.
I think our activities are more aligned with the Free Software philosophy, rather than Open Source development model. I suggested we change our name to Free Software Community of India (FSCI). FOSS Community name was chosen initially to be neutral between the two camps, but I think we should take sides now.
But earlier proposal was blocked because of ambiguity of the word 'Free', and second proposal at changing it to Swatantra, was closed because ambiguity in Telugu (Swecha is better suited). So we could use Mukt Software Community of India. Mukt is derived from Mukti, meaning liberation and Mukt means liberated. 'Mukt not Muft' is commonly used to clarify meaning of Free.
Those who are new the debate, read
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 62.5% | 5 | |
Abstain | 12.5% | 1 | ||
Disagree | 25.0% | 2 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 143 |
8 of 151 people have participated (5%)
Pirate Praveen
Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:35AM
Mukt removes ambiguity of Swatantra
Pavithran S
Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:37AM
Mukt means liberated in many regions of India. For an Indian community this name would be appropriate. :thumbsup:
Balasankar C
Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:41AM
Mukt doesn't strike as freedom related in Malayalam. Yes it can mean that when explained in detail. But not on the first contact of the word, to a regular person.
Jackson Isaac
Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:47AM
This name also sounds okay. Mukt software is something new to hear. We could go with majority in this case, since everyone perceives the words differently.
Sat 25 Feb 2017 5:52PM
At a national level considering our national language hindi, Mukt Software would be correct according to me. We should use the local term according to the crowd we are speaking to.
Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:34PM
personally, it doesn't matter to me so much the name we take, what matters more is having a nice, all encompassing logo. If we know or have someone in the arts who could share with us a good logo that will be good.
Sun 26 Feb 2017 5:34AM
At a national level considering one of our popular language hindi, Mukt Software would be correct according to me. We should use the local term according to the crowd we are speaking to.
Rajesh Odayanchal
Mon 27 Feb 2017 4:20AM
I think "Free Software Community of India" is better
Fayad Fami
Mon 27 Feb 2017 2:30PM
Nothing conveys better than Free Software Community of India. So what's the purpose here ?
Pirate Praveen Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:42AM
@balasankarchelamat Free or FOSS is also not Malayalam. Mukt fits well in Hindi and we can take it as another foreign word.
Balasankar C Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:53AM
Unfortunately, in the current situation English feels more familiar to Malayalees than Hindi. Mukt is too alien, in the context of freedom. We use mukt to show something's absence, in conjunction with some other word.
The question finally comes down to this: Which is familiar for more regions: Mukt or Swathanthra. I agree Swathanthra can also mean something else in other languages. But if one of the meanings is freedom, we can go with that itself.
Deys Sat 25 Feb 2017 5:55PM
I believe what we really need is a alternative term for "Free Software" to prevent people from thinking "Free as in no-money-charged".
The principles of Free software are more important. A community of people like us works and has to interact together with people from multiple ethnics at the same time (for example, a university were students will be from all around India) so "Mukt Software" would be the correct term in such a case.
And when we are at a place (could be a school, college, local techies) where speaking in the local language is more favourable we have to use the term in their local language for the same reason we are shifting towards mukt software.
Balasankar C Sat 25 Feb 2017 6:35PM
FYI: India doesn't have a national language and Hindi definitely isn't one. There 22 languages that are officially accepted. Both Hindi and English were accepted as official languages, so Hindi doesn't have any advantage over English.
Deys Sat 25 Feb 2017 7:10PM
You are right about that. I just ended up associating popularity with national. If I consider the present state then Hindi isn't popular anymore .
Manohar Elavarthi Sun 26 Feb 2017 9:41AM
My mother tongue is TELUGU. In Telugu, 'swathamthra' (స్వతంత్ర) means freedom/ independent/ autonomous etc.
'swathamthra poraatam' (స్వతంత్ర పోరాటం) is most commonly used in Telugu to refer to 'freedom struggle'.
'swathamthra' and 'svechcha' (స్వేచ్ఛ) carry similar meaning.
Use this link to search for the meaning of Telugu words in English:
'mukth' has multiple meanings in Hindi. See
Better to avoid Hindi words, in a country where is Hindi is imposed on other languages.
Manohar Elavarthi Sun 26 Feb 2017 9:56AM
Meaning of SWATANTRA in Hindi and Kannada seems to be very similar to that of Telugu. See:
Fayad Fami Mon 27 Feb 2017 2:18PM
@rajeshodayanchal Apparently you should 'disagree' if you think Free Software Community of India is better.
Pirate Praveen Mon 27 Feb 2017 4:16PM
@fayadfami the idea is to find a consensus position.
Free Software Community of India - blocked by @jacksonisaac
Swatantra Software Community of India - disagreed by you and @pavithrans
Mukt Software Community of India - disagreed by you and @balasankarchelamat
We should strive for consensus here. It is possible only if we accommodate other people's concerns.
Pirate Praveen Tue 28 Feb 2017 2:12AM
Some possible solutions,
@jacksonisaac , would you change your position as Free Software Community of India is preferred by everyone else. While confusion with freeware could be there, once we explain it as Free as in Freedom, people understand it.
@pavithrans @fayadfami , would you guys agree to Swatantra Software Community of India as second best option? Independence is mostly used as synomym to freedom. A user of Free Software in not dependant on a company or developers because they have the 4 freedoms.
@balasankarchelamat @fayadfami would you folks agree to it as second best option? We always take foreign words when required. No one is pushing Hindi on us here, we are choosing it ourselves as a community.
A community is not about always pushing your personal preferences at any cost. Being a community requires listening other people's concerns, understanding and accommodating it. We should not be like kids quarrelling for toys.
Fayad Fami Tue 28 Feb 2017 3:50AM
- I can agree to Swathantra as second best option. Because it conveys to all corners of India. It is not so unfamiliar to the outside world too.
- I still cannot agree to Mukt but if majority is with it, I will join hands. That is what community is about.
Anilkumar KV Tue 28 Feb 2017 4:09AM
Community for Software Freedom in India
Is a better choice
Pavithran S Tue 28 Feb 2017 6:38AM
@praveenarimbrathod As much as I would love consensus and unity. I just cant agree to swatantra because of the ambiguity it has with "independence". I checked it and that in sanskrit the first 3 meanings of the word means independent.
Are we promoting independent software ?
If we want to promote independent software then swatantra would be apt. Regarding the other interpretations of mukti which is liberation. Using freesoftware is a liberation from propreitary.
Balasankar C Tue 28 Feb 2017 2:02PM
@praveenarimbrathod Answer to your "second best option" query.
(FOSS Community of India | Free Software Community of India) > Swathanthra Software Community of India > Community for Software Freedom in India > Mukt software community of India
Balasankar C Tue 28 Feb 2017 2:05PM
Since 3 polls have ended without consensus, I propose we put this discussion on hold for at least one month, by which we hope we will have more members to provide their input.
Or, we will be seeing a time sink without no actual movement forward.
Pirate Praveen Fri 3 Mar 2017 4:56AM
@balasankarchelamat @fayadfami @pavithrans thanks for your comments. Lets wait for a reply from @jacksonisaac .
Jackson, if you were to accept Free Software Community of India, that would solve the current deadlock situation as everyone else is okay with that name. Would you consider it?
Jackson Isaac Mon 6 Mar 2017 8:04AM
@praveenarimbrathod If majority has agreed to the name then I have no problem. Although we have around 132 members, I see that less than 10% have voted. I am not sure if a few 10 people can be called majority.
Pirate Praveen Mon 6 Mar 2017 10:34AM
Many members here have never participated in any discussions or activities. We can only ask people to participate, not force them to vote.
Thanks for helping make consensus. I'll make another proposal. You can choose abstain option, which means you agree to go with the majority.
Poll Created Mon 6 Mar 2017 10:38AM
Change our name to Free Software Community of India (2nd attempt) Closed Mon 13 Mar 2017 11:01AM
We'll be renaming ourselves to Free Software Community of India
I think our activities are more aligned with the Free Software philosophy, rather than Open Source development model. I suggested we change our name to Free Software Community of India (FSCI). FOSS Community name was chosen initially to be neutral between the two camps, but I think we should take sides now.
But earlier proposal was blocked because of ambiguity of the word 'Free', and second proposal at changing it to Swatantra, was closed because ambiguity in Telugu (Swecha is better suited). Mukt Software Community of India also did not get consensus. Jackson Isaac, agreed to Free Software Community of India if majority agrees (he blocked this proposal last time).
Those who are new the debate, read
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 93.3% | 14 | |
Abstain | 6.7% | 1 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 136 |
15 of 151 people have participated (9%)
Pirate Praveen
Mon 6 Mar 2017 10:41AM
Teaching people to value freedom makes us a stronger community and we need a strong community to stand up to newer challenges.
Mon 6 Mar 2017 1:37PM
As shared before, I find myself more and more aligned with free software goals.
Pavithran S
Tue 7 Mar 2017 1:04PM
English is a uniting language for the country and its better to use the term "Free Software" with a tag line "Free means libre not gratis" :thumbsup:
Wed 8 Mar 2017 5:25AM
there is no open source. its just freedom subtracted source.
so its great to call free software community.
Anivar Aravind Tue 7 Mar 2017 8:58AM
My quick Comments
Why India ? Why dont plan something more Big along with renaming ? I suggest to expand to Free Software community South Asia. Expand Get participation from India, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal & Bhutan
Register as a society / Find a fiscal Sponsor like SMC
Be the legal home for many Quality Free Software projects . From SMC's experience with Indian language project , I can say that there is nobody to provide Organization support for many interesting small projects .
All the Victories of Free Software Communities in India are now under attack with a proprietary Digital push . Closed source Closed data OpenAPI projects like by iSPIRT promoted a wrong notion of such software/APIs as Public good and thats what india is needed . This trend will spread across south Asia if fails in defending it . #DigitalIndia is being colonized by these internal colonizers . It is already happened on Payments & Identity and spreading to health , travel and other areas disregarding Free Software Values including privacy & attack on digital freedoms with surveillance . So we need a more active Free Software Community body to fight this . If this group can scale it up , I am happy with the name change
Aboobacker MK Mon 13 Mar 2017 11:38AM
Pirate Praveen Tue 14 Mar 2017 12:52PM
Folks, we can now call ourselves "Free Software Community of India" as the rename proposal passed. Thanks to everyone who participated. Even though we had differences, we listened to other people's concerns and reached a consensus.
Poll Created Fri 17 Mar 2017 10:09AM
Adopt a preamble for Free Software Community of India constitution Closed Mon 27 Mar 2017 10:02AM
Accepted with small amendment from bady
- Free Software Community of India is a collective of Free Software (sometimes also called as Open Source Software) users, advocates and developers.
- We maintain communication and collaboration infrastructure for everyone that respects their freedom and privacy. We maintain a list of Free Software communities and offer sub domains of or We depend on donations and community manpower to run the infrastructure.
- We mentor Free Software enthusiasts to become Free Software contributors.
- We provide GNU/Linux installation and configuration support via online messaging groups.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 4 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 147 |
4 of 151 people have participated (2%)
Pirate Praveen
Fri 17 Mar 2017 10:11AM
Good start, we can add more as we feel.
Sat 18 Mar 2017 6:52AM
I think the 4th point can be slightly modified as follows:
- We provide GNU/Linux installation and configuration support mainly via online messaging groups.
Thus we are not limiting ourselves to just online support.
Sat 18 Mar 2017 6:53AM
I think the 4th point can be slightly modified as follows:
We provide GNU/Linux installation and configuration support mainly via online messaging groups.
Thus we are not limiting ourselves to just online support.
Pirate Praveen Sat 18 Mar 2017 4:39PM
@bady sure, we can modify it.
Poll Created Sat 1 Apr 2017 6:08AM
Create Initial Members sub group Closed Sat 8 Apr 2017 6:02AM
We can create initial members sub group
Create an initial members sub group and accept people who were already active in our loomio, riot, xmpp, campaigns or mailing list (basically anyone who is already contributed). Their membership will be valid for 3 months only. They can vouch for permanent members.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 4 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 147 |
4 of 151 people have participated (2%)
Pirate Praveen
Sat 1 Apr 2017 6:08AM
This is the next step.
Pirate Praveen Sat 8 Apr 2017 11:44AM
I have created Initial Members subgroup Please join the group to take this process forward.
Poll Created Tue 6 Jun 2017 11:40AM
Create a permanent members sub group Closed Tue 13 Jun 2017 12:03PM
Initial members sub group is now renamed to Permanent Members
Initial members can approve permanent member requests
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 8 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 143 |
8 of 151 people have participated (5%)
Pirate Praveen
Tue 6 Jun 2017 11:40AM
Next step in the membership process
Poll Created Fri 5 Jan 2018 6:52AM
Make all current initial members as permananent members Closed Fri 12 Jan 2018 7:04AM
All current initial members are now permanent members. New permanent members can be added now.
To move forward in this organization structure, I propose we make all the current initial members (those who applied to be an initial member) as permanent members. They can now approve new permanent member requests. The current initial members are: 1. @bady 2. @balasankarchelamat 3. @dhanesh95 4. @kannanvm 5. Pirate Praveen (me) 6. @noteness 7. @spechide
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 12 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 145 |
12 of 157 people have participated (7%)
Pirate Praveen
Fri 5 Jan 2018 6:53AM
yes, this is required for us to move forward and become sustainable
Fri 5 Jan 2018 7:42AM
can you include myself to this list ?
Pirate Praveen Fri 5 Jan 2018 8:11AM
@mujeebcpy this is only the bootstrapping step, you will be able to apply as a permanent member after this vote. We can include everyone interested as permanent members. This is just to break the deadlock now.
mujeebcpy Fri 5 Jan 2018 1:38PM
okey :-)
shirish Wed 24 Jan 2018 3:13PM
Pirate Praveen · Wed 18 Sep 2013 5:16PM
@manukrishnantv we just need someone to handle legal side, so geography is not an issue, I think.