Thu 26 Sep 2024 6:01PM

Finance WG and Organizing Circle Call - 26 September 2024

KT Kathe TB Public Seen by 62



  • Kathe TB, Nathan S, Josh, Andres, Caitlin, 

OC WG "standard" agenda for these visits

  • What does FWG do? What are your workflow?

  • What do you want to be doing?

  • How can OC help support your work (which connects to the topics above)?

FWG specific questions:

  • Does the FWG has a clear, explicit and known domain/scope so as to be sure wether it is sovereign to take desicions? If not, that is a point to work on.  

  • Are the FWG communications/ reports standarized? (like every 3, 6 or 12 months and what do thy cover). If not, ídem. :)

Questions from FWG:

  • Clarify responsibility for annual budgeting

  • Scope of FWG discretion outside the budget

Close out

* How are you leaving this call?


Kathe TB Thu 26 Sep 2024 6:19PM



  • * Intros

    * Kathe is under a hurricane watch in Florida, showing up hyperfocused

    * Nathan is holding things together in Colorado

    * Andrew is enjoying the weather in Toronto

    * Caitlin recently read the fictional Everything for Everyone book

    * Josh is getting ready for the USFWC 20th anniversary

    * History of FWG

    * Emerged out of OpenCollective relationship led by Nathan. Meeting about once a quarter.

    * Main task is approving OpenCollective and monitoring budget.

    * WG hve line items, CWG has been very consitant with invoice

    * Approval historically been very 'what ever', looking to move towards structured budgeting in the future.

    * Experimented with vote per expense, didn't really make sense because mostly it was regular webhosting.

    * Most expences are routine (webhosting & WG)

    * Domain recovery and FWG Stipend are recent 'unusual' expenses.

    * Legal issues around incoperation status for payment processing and getting social.coop domain under common control.

    * OC situation

    * The OC has been trying to be careful about not stepping on toes of working groups, still trying to determine its scope

    * One person from each working group in most meetings

    * Concerned about upping to two with current bandwidth

    * Talking with Andres about getting him on the OC

    * How do we as an org, onboard new folks and offboard old hands ready to move on?

    * Historically it's been very informal.

    * Can we formalize this?

    * There have been community meet & greats in the past

    * What is the scope of member particpation?

    * What needs to go to vote vs what is an operational decision?

    * What is the scope of the budget? and overlap between FWG and OC control?

    * Hard to have visibility to other WG to see need

    * Could OC help draft budget so that we can see what the WG needs?

    * Embracing the lose-ness of everything

    * We might need to get 'better' at governance. Clarifying how we do things espeically if inovation.coop and/or other leads end up paying off.

    * We are productive and there is structure - right sized for where we need to be. Running on good intentions with smart and honest folks.

    * Looseness is liked! Keep the at choice model.

    * Is our context changing with new opertunities?

    * Keep WG as self organized. OC coordinate onboarding/recruitment

    * The existance of the OC has been a huge releaf! Felt like a good coordinating zone to connect the WG.

    * Report backs from the OC meetings has been really fantastic.

    * https://www.loomio.com/d/QBtcgaOq/organizing-circle-recaps-2024-

    * Tagging folks on in loomio is useful to bring to folks attention

    * These generally get lost

    * An announcement on Mastodon could also be useful

    * Annual reports to memebers could increase visibility

    * Request for annual spending report with budget comparison from FWG

    * Need to talk about legal aspects (inovation coop, legal risk)